ERPM Limited Braking & Reverse Discussion

Yall, we talked about this subject SO much in a completely off topic way in this other thread here:

@xsynatic pretty please can you move over all of the related replies to this thread? I would love to keep discussing this further. It opens a whole new world of braking for VESC and I think it would be very useful for more people to see it.

Edit: ur the GOAT


Continuing conversation - @jack.luis

Well, I didn’t take a video yet but on my way to work this morning I tested, and did a hard brake and got belt skip, but also one wheel did slip and start going backwards.

More testing required, but I’m pretty confident I can get the result I’m talking about if I do it hard enough.

I did also notice my reverse is a little grumbly too - at low speed, high torque (relatively)


You said you were able to slip on a launch. Slipping on a brake is easy

Nah mate I was talking about wheel slip on brake with the negative erpm - it’s possible I misunderstood the video

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@ShutterShock good idea on the thread. We really did derail the heck out that other thread.

I set my negative erpm limit to 5k or 10k. Not sure which.

I do find it much more controllable than full current. I would regularly almost throw myself off the board with current control (unlimited). It is really nice to have reverse available all the time at a reasonable speed. I haven’t run into any issues with wheels slipping.


Yeah I’ve got mine at 10k right now, seems to work pretty well. I like my mtb on full current but this seems like a good method for street boards

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I’ve pulled my d100s out. The braking is an issue for me. Looked at all possible settings and the lack of braking when stopping is kinda shit.

My settings are correct, I think this vesc(or my vesc) has a problem.

On a side note the dv4s goes well so far.

its the buggy fw for smart reverse, vesctool doesn’t like it when u use that (not the hyst reverse)

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I’m not using smart reverse. Just brake no reverse. I played with the different options, same problem each time.

what exactly u looking to do? hard brake at 5kmh?

No, the problem is worse at speed.

As I explained above, it slows down and just before you stop it will jerk and release on its own and free roll … While I’m still holding the brake.

So if I need to brake hard, you have to predict when it’s gonna jerk the board and whether I need to bail off

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If I’m on the board it is still and I hold brake there’s no friction at all.
It’s only this vesc doing it.

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i have not heard of this happening, unless u have ur absoluate max current set to very close to ur motor current value?

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13s4p p42
Motor 110a
Brake -85a
Regen -30
Battery 60a
Abs max is preset…I think it’s 150a
These should work fine. I’ve not come across this before either.

On my other V4, v6 vesc’s I use the same settings just lower motor amps.
It’s not the remote setup as it works fine with other vesc’s.

that’s very weird, all numbers looks fine to me. maybe just ask makerx to replace it, it could be something wrong with it. u might need to send this one back to them tho

Yeah I messaged David but no response.

Thanks anyway :beer:

Straight current mode for the win

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For off-roading and thane yeah

Rocinante on current mode would kill me in a week

:man_shrugging: im commuting on the step bro every day no dramas on current mode, why would you die?

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Current bidirectional is the way to go.
We use it for off-road, commuting, whatever.
Helps massively when you’re fully strapped in.

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