eLofty Direct Drive Discussions-read before buying

cool, glad it helped… a word of caution, check EVERY single screw, nut, everything on these drives… nothing was lock tight, and not even every screw was tight, the most troublesome for me was when my brand new (replacement drive) started to unscrew on the actual can…

and on the replacement axle, the threads on the 12mm nut was not long enough to engage the nylock, check that and add some lock tight. In fact, lock tight everything, also the nuts on the axle are 8mm and not typical Esk8 nuts grab a bunch of those at the local hardware store while you wait, and some emery cloth, wet and dry or probably your wheel bearings won’t fit…

On my first axle I sanded down the bearing surface by hand… on the second axle I took EVERYTHING apart and chucked it up in a low-speed lathe and took my time making sure everything was nat’s butt on…

Good luck bro… we’ll be here to help ya out if ya need it!


Let us know how this works out, honestly I don’t think an RKP baseplate will work out, others have used TKP baseplates, but the kingpin and pivot wont work out well in RKP. as far as I know.

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Yeah, I know, thats why I will sell the hammock :wink: Thanks for the hints


They won’t fit perfectly in a random TKP baseplate, so will chew up the pivot cups at an accelerated rate. I keep spares on hand and throw soap shavings in there.

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@ThomasL they don’t fit Tb dd :sob:


Whaaat? Why not? I was a little excited to try out an AT set up! I don’t mind waiting for for your adapters but this would have been a really fast and easy swap.

Ohh I couldn’t tell if that was it from the pics you has already posted. That back truck looks like a nice setup, I’d love to give it a ride and try it out.

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Damn, really ?? I believe I still can get a refund as nothing as been shipped, but is it for sure that they do not fit ??

@ThomasL Yeah TB DD is custom. I’m pretty sure they have a more simplified adapter. If you need adapters just send me a PM and I can send you an invoice. Here’s a few photos for reference.


Question :grin:
I got asked about it but no idea. Would this casted TKP fit Surfrodz TKP base plate? Or are they different?

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But the DD Kegel is made for Kegel wheels, such as TB110’s and such ?
I have a pair of TB DD with 110’s, does it mean the kegel adapter is only good for these wheels ?

I should have bought from the @Esk8supply site actually. stupid shit. How on earth did elofty get this reputation? They left the rubber wheels and the baseplates and send only the 4wd drives, although the product description claims otherwise. Now they want me to pay shipping again? angry
After repeately insisting on not paying for shipping again the chat went silent :frowning: (I do not insult anyone btw)


@ThomasL you can use any kegel style wheels with the kegel adapter that you have on the TB DD.

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Same here:

BTW, I really like eLofty on my EVO Falcon. I had belts with Caliber II trucks before and I like eLofty in TKP mode better. The maneuverability improved a lot and it’s more fun to ride. Note that I’m not a speedy guy though. The fastest I have gone on current setup is 48 km/h and I felt like things are already getting out of hands so I slowed down quickly. The RKP trucks are definitely more stable.

I got the 72 kv version and it works really well with the TB110 wheels. I was worried that there wouldn’t be enough torque but it’s OK, at least with my weight (~75 kg). When I carry one of my kids around (~100 kg total) we sometimes have problems getting going from dead stop if it’s slightly uphill. Other than that, I’m perfectly happy with the setup. It’s a good balance between torque and max speed.

I love how quiet it is. Even at high speed the motors are barely audible.

This is how the board looked before:


Just for some feedback: If you see something like

You definitely overpaid. If you look at the pricing in my original post you can see how much it should cost.

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Thats not the question :smiley: I know that already, but its not that far away from the current Esk8supply Groupbuy prices IF you get all the things :smiley:

Yeah, they do write 105 wheels. Threaten them with chargeback.


I did already told them if they won’t give me what I paid for without me paying shipping again I’ll start a dispute.


two kingpings doens’t make anysense. I hope they do not mean just the 2 kingpings alone :sweat_smile:

Anyhow it means for sure 4wd motors set up
rubber wheels

In the pictures I do not see the base plate so can be that it is actually means, for some weird reason, kinpings only.