Electrickery - what do I need for a onewheel DIY build?

Yeah, the EU-side doesnt want to work tho.

Look for other single motor controllers that are 75V or more and run VESC software — preferably not custom binaries as that could be a giant hassle and can also be dangerous under certain circumstances.

Okay, but now we kinda get back to my original issue - being a noob considering one wheel parts I really dont know what to look for, or from where to look for (EU).

That said I would appreciate it a lot if you could dumb it down for me: “look for xx-VESC from yy-stores”…

…custom binaries does not tell me much ATM.

ESCs based on the VESC has a list of ESCs.It sounds like 75/300 or 100/250 based ones are probably what you want, but I know basically nothing about DIY onewheels.