It’s about time for some housekeeping on the The Hummieovan
To do:
-simplify the absolute connector spaghetti that’s going on, reattempt sensors with MR30s inspired by Mistfall
-install metr (should’ve done this in the first place honestly)
-Fix belt rubbing (the alignment is okay, I just only have 1 flange between my motor and wheel pulley, under hard turning the belt will rub on the tire due to sidewall deformation, double flange pullies have been ordered from dickyho)
Massive thanks to @BenjaminF for all the advice on how to use MR30s for sensors, spoilers: a lot of strain relief is needed.
Here’s the method that Has-Ben described to me
1: start by crimping JST pins onto the wire you’re going to solder, the JST pin itself isn’t needed but the collar that grabs the insulation on the wire is important for strain relief.
2: if necessary, trim down the tip of the connector and press down the tab on the bottom so it can fit neatly inside the solder cups of the MR30
Trimmed in white vs untrimmed in blue
3: add 2 layers of heat shrink (I don’t believe he specifically mentioned glue lined but that’s what I’m using, y’know, for strain relief)
4: add silicone inside the cable shroud for the MR30s. No I will not explain my reasoning. Yes this will be on the test.
Now that I have that written down for posterior or whatever. Back to the to do list:
The connector spaghetti in question:
I’ve got fake MR69 connectors going into GX12 and mt60 connectors with an extension and and and.
A lot of it does kinda have to stay but I think I’m ready to let go of these knockoff mr69s, they’re a really cool idea but in this scenario they only serve to complicate things really.
Clipping these will at least eliminate a bit of the unnecessary complication.
Guys hold on, Ramen break:
Okay cool now onto soldering.
Once again I’m reminded that I’m not very good at soldering small stuff.
Since these wires are awful, I’m doing quite a bit to minimize any strain on the wires.
1: JST connectors
2: double up heat shrink + I’m using glue lined
3: silicone inside the shroud
(I didn’t get a picture of this but you just put a thin layer between the wire and the shroud, then putting on the shroud will get the excess to come out.)
4: Another layer of glue lined heat shrink around each set of 3 wires then filled with silicone
5: final layer of heat shrink+silicone to protect the poorly insulated wire
That better be enough strain relief, I’m sick of tiny sensor wires.
Unfortunately I did have to cut off that last bit of heat shrink and silicone to get the wires through the holes in the savage hangar, otherwise the wires would’ve been at uncomfortable angles. Instead I’m gonna take a page out of @MichaelWA’s book and silicone the living shit out of it.
I entirely forgot to take pictures from installing the metr but I decided to cut out some of the gasket since it’s about the same height as the case for the metr module,
I cut out the part marked in red, and plugged everything in.
Mounted the GPS on the rear baseplate with 3m mounting tape since I had a few issues with signal when it was in the enclosure on my MTB (and of course some more silicone for waterproofing the GPS)
And of course since I’m a pRofESsiOnal:
Rubber bands and zip ties to keep the wires in place (with a bit of wiggle room)
Did a short test ride before applying the last bits of silicone and was reminded how fuckin awful VSS is compared to sensors.