@egtscs' shit show of a shop

Well, nobody asked for it, I’m mildly plagiarising several people, and I might just forget about this entirely after a couple posts, but here’s my thread where I’ll be doing a bunch of shit, trying to fix shit, realizing I fixed shit wrong, fixing my fixes on my shit, the usual.
Feel free to tell me how wrong I fixed my shit because I don’t know what I’m doing, I just fuck around and find out, I also accept leaked submissions from Damon’s onlyfans.

Now on to the shop shit:

The catalyst for this thread was actually my @Savage1 trucks arriving. After the several hour erection wore off and I could think properly again I got to taking the old DKPs off of my eovan, I’m considering reusing them as TKPs on another board, or maybe just sticking to the DKP config because I honestly did like them but that’s a thing for another day

Out with the old:

Also check out this chunk that I have no clue how or when I took out:

In with the gorgeous:

Now that I’ve got some real trucks on there I think my next step is to get away from the plastic eovan hubs and the sunmates, I’ll probably put my hubba hubs on there once @MichaelWA finally decides to buy a set. I’ll probably use Kenda K909s or evolve 7s when i get my hubba hubs back.

And that concludes the first shit, I hope you enjoyed


Interesting bushing config. I always go harder boardside.

Also i’m gonna be that guy… your tires are on backwards.

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It’s right for street though

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Lol i just woke up. Never mind me


I generally do the same, I just wasn’t paying attention to it this time lol.

Well the board is upside down itself, the treads are facing the direction that the board moves in. But I’ve not heard of this before, is it a thing to reverse tread for street riding? Why’s that?


For streets the biggest issue is water causing you to hydroplane, so you want the treads to push the water from the middle of the tire to the edges (tread makes V shapes as it rolls), when you’re off road the biggest issue is sand and gravel sliding under you, so you want the treads to pull the material to the middle of the tire (tread makes Λ shapes as it rolls)


I was under the impression that with our tiny contact patches it was virtually impossible to hydroplane :thinking:


You definitely can with 90mm thane wheels :sweat_smile:


Ah yeah, thane, duh. We talking bout AT tho


Not sure if they plane

Edit: I bet race slicks would but treaded probably not


No pictures but after a shakedown I probably should’ve been a bit more patient and maybe googled bushing color-durometer for riptide bushings, I got those flipped around and realized I had forgotten to tighten 1/8 truck mounting hardware, all that is fixed and they ride like fucking butter.


Those trucks rock for sure.


um, i have had the back try to pass the front in the wet, not sure its hydroplane per se, but it sucks, i dont bail on my own, ride till you arent riding, then get busy falling


there is alway demand for a shit show, i like the title

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Most likely I sent them that way. When trying out new trucks for the first time, I would recommend trying all different bushing configurations you have available until you find what you personally like. (Including the tightness of the king pin nut. Just a quarter turn can make a difference)
Also, comparatively speaking, bushings aren’t that expensive, so I feel purchasing different duro’s and styles from riptide until you get your personal preference is a good way to go :+1:t3:.


Till your @poastoast and I buying $100 in a single cart


For sure! Variety is the spice of life!

Don’t sleep on different formulas either! Same duro of different formulas feel veeeerrrrryyy different!


I’m generally a bigger fan of WFB over krank when it comes to riptides and generally a bigger fan of venoms overall, I intend to get some slightly softer venom SHR bushings but as of right now the stock config feels pretty good. And of course no disrespect to riptide, fantastic quality bushings and they genuinely have the best customer service I’ve experienced bar none. Just personal preference. I’ll definitely be fucking around with it though.


it’s gonna get bad later this year :hot_face:


Right?! Everybody loves a shit show, I’m loving the updates in Sk8d’s rambling

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