🦆 Duck Battery Systems - DIY Supply Webshop

Jan in the other thread said 5.5% in the Czech Republic, presume it’s similar stateside


That’s just on sales. There’s a host of other fees depending on type of transaction.


If you don’t know your credit card digits off the top of your head, are you really a DIY esk8 builder?


It’s about 50/50 people who are active on the forum and people who are either not from the forum or I dont recognize from here, so it would be really hard to poll those people. That’s why I am hosting this conversation here, because I care about this community and want to do what is best for yall.

Nah, I wouldnt ask anyone to go through that kind of hassle. Plus then I would have to set up a manual order and stuff, and it just becomes a headache for me and the customer.

From what I can tell, the two main benefits that keeps customers coming back to PP is the convenience (press one button, fingerprint to log in, boom) and the idea of purchase protection.

Haha I’m fully with you on this.

On my account, it works out to about 4% if I want to be able to transfer the money to my bank immediately (which I usually do since that money has already been held by PP for 4 weeks, and I usually need it badly).

And that’s 4% of the total cost including the shipping fee (which I make no profit on), so it brings what would be like a 30% profit margin down to like a 20% profit margin on some orders.

Man, this sentence really strikes to the heart of our collective shopping addictions :joy:

Y’all are making a really good case for ditching PayPal hahaha


Drop those motherfuckers. #fuckpaypal #fuckshitcunts


I’d say its ok to drop PayPal. As long as there is a credit card option, it’s all good.


Agreed, drop PayPal and offer straight credit card transactions.

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All I use is PayPal :joy: butt fuck em.

I have officially removed PayPal as a checkout option. Hopefully it doesn’t lose me a lot of customers :grimacing::crossed_fingers:



It might be too late, but what if you did something similar to what I think @janpom did?

Charge an additional fee for paypal, and then offer a discount for credit cards?

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I strongly considered that, but passing on the PP fees to the customer doesnt solve the problem of PP freezing my account randomly for no reason and holding my money hostage whenever they want.

It just makes PP shitty for me AND the customer.


you can do diy and be horrible with numbers.

Honestly checking out with paypal is more annoying than typing my credit card in the first place

My credit card is in my chrome autofill and I have my pin memorized, so why would i want to use PP anyway

Only time it is marginally more convenient is on mobile but 99% of the things I buy are on desktop


This is the real pro tip right here.

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I have 50x 12s BMS’s and 25x 10s BMS’s coming in about a week, FYI.

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you have p42a?

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Yep, but they are all reserved for custom builds.

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Everyone’s a hoarder with the cell market like it is haha. Molicel is the new toilet paper.