can you add these to your order too? just to avoid double shipping?
Amass XT90S Antispark Connector
2 of each
got excited and checked out before looking at all the stock on the site
can you add these to your order too? just to avoid double shipping?
Amass XT90S Antispark Connector
2 of each
got excited and checked out before looking at all the stock on the site
FUCK I meant to and forgot. Imma email duck and cancel and try again
Haha @jack.luis @Brently I just woke up, but if there’s ever a problem with your order I am always happy to edit it for you (as long as it hasn’t shipped yet). I can add stuff, subtract stuff, etc. I’ll get yall sorted out once I have my wheaties.
Haha I sent you an email. Should be all good now
Crap, you put this on the site 10hrs after I ordered the XT-90s
Where’s the nickel coloured ones
Copper and gold are better conductors than nickel
Well why the hell don’t you use gold then?!
Folks wont pay me $65000 per battery, unfortunately
Something tell me that number is accurate
It’s only a little bit better lol
kWeld ProbeGripz are finally here. Sorry they took so long!
There’s a link on the product page to download the .STL files for both the Malectrics and the kWeld ProbeGripz. I also updated the XT90E-M page to include a link to the dust cover.
does this insulate enough that you can weld an average 12s4p or something without stopping? It could also make the problem worse because they cool even slower with additional insulation.
Would these be a pain in the ass to use on a malextrics?
Yep! Just did last night
There is a Malectrics specific version!
I have been having trouble getting my hands on more of the 4p 21700 fish paper rings, so in the mean time I got some individual rings, 30 rings per sheet. They are a custom size, so they fit perfectly on a P42A and leave nothing exposed but the positive contact. They are really nice.
Added an option to buy a bag of just female XT90S antispark connectors. Bag of 10 for cheaper than you can buy them on Amazon. I’m not exactly making a killing on these, but big daddy Bezos has me over a barrel.
These are great for the battery builders out there who use a ton of female connectors and end up with more sad lonely males than a DOTA convention. Also good for making a bunch of loopkeys, which I might be inclined to do sometime soon.
Not by a ton, but they should be a bit lower for US customers by about a dollar or two. I also went through my shipping settings and resolved hopefully all the issues so now everyone should be seeing every available option at checkout.
If you are at checkout and suspect that the shipping cost is too high, take a screenshot of the shipping options it’s showing you and PM me, we can work it out
I am considering removing it as a payment option from my shop, and I want to get y’alls take on that.
For a really good explanation of the problem with PayPal from a seller’s perspective, and some great discussions about it, please read this excellent post from @janpom:
Anyway, I pretty much figure I have two options here:
I cant really know how big of a percent that is, but I do know that PayPal is making it really hard for me to grow my business. I am hoping that y’all are willing to use another payment processor like google pay or apple pay, or go through the extra few moments to type out your card info, but I know that the extra friction might be the thing that causes people to leave the site without buying something.
What do yall think?
Sounds like a good plan, I only recently realised how much of a ridiculous cut PayPal takes and it’s not much (if any?) easier for customers. Because you’re using Shopify the buyer only needs to enter their card/address details once and through the magic of cookies and constant internet surveillance it auto-populates.
Maybe make a poll for people who have or definitely will buy stuff off you? I’d suggest making it “is this actually a burden on you at all?” rather than “is this a burden you could accept” to have the best shot at seeing if it would affect non-forum users while still sampling from us weirdos. Then again idk how much of your business comes from outsiders anyway so it might be a moot point
Have people on the forum at least who want to pay through PayPal send you a message and pay through F&F? How big of a cut does PayPal take?