Duality Trucks by Tito Systems

I was rocking a BN270 RKP setup with 10mm kingpin clearance for a while and it’s actually been fine as long as I’ve been super mindful of it and kept it to mostly smooth roads. 27mm while not great is definitely doable, but you definitely have to be aware of it at all times and not do stupid stuff

Some unrelated clearance stuff but related if you want to use thane / small wheels. To get the most out of the trucks you will want to have a good amount of deck lean which is generally not great for your enclosure clearance while turning so if you are running these on small wheels at a low ride height with an underslung enclosure you are probably giving up some of the truck’s performance. Might still work out well though depending on the setup.

With that said I would absolutely love to see a build running these on radium 125s or the to be released mad 125s


I see. Will reply later this evening with more detailed descriptions.

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It seems like the radium 125s would actually be a pretty ideal setup for these in all honesty lol.


Both options are going to accept 28mm bearings and therefore support 12mm axles or am I wrong.

I think maybe a narrow hanger 10mm axle might be nice. For those using these wheels will it pretty much just be belt setups being used?

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Believe the hype on these things. I just got my flat deck set up and running. I had to drill out a set of new school pattern holes on my Deathtoll deck so I could avoid wheelbite, but that wasn’t a big deal. FYI Voyage Megan baseplate accommodates new school pattern, so I didn’t have to shift it around or do anything else weird. Newbee 4GS drives mount up easily and have plenty of room with 6485 motors.

These things are incredibly robust. I have zero worry about ever breaking anything on these haha. I need to do some minor tweaking on bushing tightness etc, but my first impression is :open_mouth: :exploding_head: they just feel so good. The carve is dreamy and felt super stable up to whatever I hit on my test ride. Great work @Titoxd1000


The build I’m planning in my head is:

Haero Bro w/ single stack enclosure

I think that would be fun as hell, but it only works with 10mm axles (cus the hoyt5’s only take 22mm bearings) and wide hangers (because the bro is wide, and my feet are wider).

I recognize that’s a pretty niche design goal though, so if there’s not enough market for you to make 10mm axles then I totally get it!


The radiums do. I guess the mads as well? Not sure. But yeah that makes my point obsolete. Forgot they support 28s

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Nice bro, good to hear. Cool photos btw.


What’s the motivation to use Hoyt5s over something like 6” novas (w/ 12mm axles). Just a small wheel thing(?)

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Because they’re awesome :grin:


They also support 10mm axles, and i would still prefer the option to run a 10mm axle even if my wheels are on a 28mm seat, for the sake of uniformity between all my boards.

A 10mm axle supports wheels on both 22 and 28mm bearing seat

A 12mm axle realistically only supports wheels on a 28mm bearing seat.




Here are a few axle possition pics of the 40 degree base plates ln magnetic front is wedged 12.5 degrees and rear is dewedged 12.5 degrees

We have both 8 and 10mm axles


It’s hard to tell from the photos, it looks like the axle might be 20mm off center. Can you get a more accurate measurement base on this.

After looking more closely, on my current setup, the rear axle is 45 mm in front of the center of the deck mounting area and the front axle is 25 mm to the rear of the center of the deck mounting area. Distance between front and back deck mounting holes for each truck is 65 mm. Additionally, the distance from the bottom of the deck to the axle is 70 mm for both trucks.


Got it installed, I like it!


i actually got some of those cone shaped washers for my top box but they got sent in red when the listing said blue so we’ll see if they fck it up again

CarveSEA 2023

Rocinante and Nothing Fancy


Aren’t they both the same specs technically :joy:


Hangin’ with Holden.