Duality Trucks by Tito Systems

Just hopped on a board with these over the weekend and they were very nice. Definitely was the most snowboard feeling truck that I have ridden to date.


@Dinnye Nice Bro! Those are some pretty low angles, putting that range of motion to the test. The lower angles you go the more snowboard like it feels and better high speed carving feels imo. Which is a good segue way to this comment.


Fresh off the mill and off to anodizing. Went with 35 degree front, rear is 15 degree. I recommend 35/15 split as a starting point. I include wedges if you want to go +/- 5 degrees.

Looks like I need to restock axles before putting them on the site. I have a few complete hangers, if you previously pmed me about these trucks you get first dibs.


Any info on the axle size you’re putting on these? I had a dream years ago about compact channel trucks for thane boards, and these should be even juicier. I’m not in a position to buy something like this right now, mostly just curious

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The axle is 12mm diameter and 65mm length.

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Who’s going to be the first to put a set on a MLR deck?:thinking:


Got podium in Waldshut on the Dualities!!! :tada: :confetti_ball:

Suprisingly I didn’t struggle with turning on the 25/10 angles even though this is probably the tightest track that an esk8 race has been organized on. Although the really low angles took a toll on my endurance, so I would have either needed more frequent practise sessions in the past month or a bit higher angles. My thighs were burning for the last lap and each race was only like 100 seconds plus a warmup lap…


Congratulationson on podium @Dinnye!!!

If you haven’t already I would give 30/10 a try (my personal favorite). For 25 degree front since you’re using more range of motion. I wonder if tall cones would feel better as they would allow easier leen towards the end of travel (Only tried fatcones and lower duros weren’t durable enough). they may feel to divey though.



I think 30/10 would have been perfect for this track specifically because it’s a very tight track. I really like having to lean in so deep to turn anywhere else though, the 25/10 feels perfect for me right now on the haero deck.

I’m actually going to rebuild the board 4WD on a longer tomiboi deck, I’ll probably try that at 30/10 first to regain the lost turn with the extra wheelbase and maybe start tweaking from there. I need the extra wheelbase to handle the power. The acceleration is getting ridiculous on this board already without 4WD

I think cones would probably feel too divey. I heard the WFB formula is pretty good to achieve this feel though? I haven’t tried it personally yet, probably should.

Oh yeah wheelbase makes a big difference. That 4wd sounds like it’s going to be a nice build.

Wfb is nice, I like it one rkp trucks. On dualities I think you want a little more rebound than they offer but that’s preference.


I’m actually very happy with how the trucks feel right now on the Haero for short track, although I may benefit from like tiny bit harder center for pushing higher speeds, and the same stiffness in the end of lean. I think I’ll try to achieve this with WFB when I get everything setup on the Tomiboi deck.

The 4WD setup is gonna be insane and very overkill probably. 6385 reachers front, 6395 back, 175KV, 21S, 5.2 ratio. Should have just over 1G on the 9x3.5s with 33/67 power distribution. Longer wheelbase to handle the power better. This will make it great for long track and hopefully once I add a bit of angle to the front it’ll turn like now for short track. Pretty excited for it although a tiny bit nervous about potentially sacrificing some short track performance with the longer wheelbase.


Back in black.
(Back from anodizing, still out of stock till I get axles maybe by next week)

These are the 35 and15 degree trucks to fit flat decks… This is the orientation I believe most boards will require, with rear hanger flipped. The axle position on the front is 7mm forward of center and rear is 22mm rearward of center. Rear truck is lower and needs riser to match front (included).


By far the most fun truck I’ve ever used!


Here is updated list of compatible drive systems along with the largest compatible motor.

Also of note, the bushings I ship with and currently recommend is krank 93a tall barrels for the front and 93a tall chubbys in the rear.

More details on bushings

After more testing, I have come to the realization that in order to get that magic rkp (ronin) feeling you need to use tall barrels in the front. Barrels have a very direct feel that chubbys cannot seem to match. In addition with barrels you end up using a harder duro that has more favorable rebound characteristics (less rebound, more compression).

Instead of tuning with bushing duro we are tuning with bushing shape in a sense. If you have these trucks already, I recommend giving this setup a try.

If you want more of a mellow or channel truck feel 87a tall chubby for the front seems to be pretty good. I have been including these in the last several orders. (I need to do more testing if going up in duro on the barrel/chubby combo feels better for those who like a stiffer ride)

Additionally, I have been testing other bushing formulas like riptide APS and venom HPF and both seem to add additional stability and better feel (subjective). There is still the question of durability for these two formulas, APS chubby in particular. I think ultimately it will take a reduction of steering in the rear to be reliable long term as bigger shapes seem to be less durable. I will add files to the original post to give the option to limit steer from the stock 25 degrees max lean if you want to help with testing or provide your feedback on APS. In contrast since smaller and harder bushings are more durable you may be able to add steering to the front to compensate: based on results from @Dinnye


How do you think two 35 degree trucks would feel on a deck that has split angle tail and nose (+12/-12)?

You’d effectively be at 47 and 22, not the craziest split (atleast for RKP), but im not sure how closely that would correlate with these. You’re gonna be losing the high lean angle feel of the stock 35/15 setup though, so unless you do nothing but tight, low speed turns id consider if that was really what you want.

What do u weigh if u don’t mind me asking? :joy:

Just an update the bushings are still doing fine, no sings of tearing, and my setup is about as abusive to them as it can get. 25/10 final angles, front lean stopper completely removed, rear lean stopper’s effect reduced. 92.5A APS tall barrels front, one 92.5A APS tall chubby, one krank 93A tall chubby on the rear.

That said I don’t have a lot of miles on them, but most of the distance covered was short track racing and the other part is super hard carving so I am trying to abuse them as much as possible. Very happy with the current feel.

I am thinking about giving WFB a try as well though eventually just to know what those feel like. Might be good fun for track racing.

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I think it would be to much steer. I recommend keeping total angles of front and rear below 50… On standard rkp trucks there is a ton of slop so you can/need to run higher angles. It is more comparable to channel truck angles since those are fixed pivot axis also. On 47/22 there would minimal lean and the deck might even start to lean the opposite way you want on high G turns.

25 degree front and rear might work. I can consider it. What deck do you have?

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I’m 220lbs. I like a loose setup and 93a barrels and 93a chubbys is on the looser side on these trucks.

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