DIY Wheels - Hollow Wheels - Very Comfy

Oh d’oh. Just realized I could reply to the same people in one post.

@computers Thanks, Alex! Great to meet you and thanks for riding them the other weekend at the road course event!

@Grozniy Thanks!

@DavidF It’s about the same. I’m not claiming it is the same or better. TB110 is a great wheel and it is a solid wheel with urethane with a lot of rebound. However, there are suspension adjustments in the Hollow Wheel that can get it pretty damn close though without taking away from grip or comfort too much. I am making a video as we speak that proves that it is pretty damn close; I filmed a lot of the content last night and just need to finish filming and editing later tonight.

I will say it definitely has more range than a Cloud Wheel or Boosted 105. I will definitely say that it is much lighter, it grips better, it is more comfortable, it is way more tunable, and has way better turn-in response than the TB110s or any urethane wheel on the market. I have videos that are in this post that I can argue validates those aforementioned points.

I like small wheels too.

@Plurf Thanks! Are you in the OC area?

@infiniteoffset Short answer: Lots and lots of testing and iterations. Longer answer: I made wheels of all shapes and sizes. I made a lot of wheels and held variables constant. For instance, I made wheels from 90mm to 116 and held weight constant, then assessed comfort, grip, acceleration, etc. just so I could see the sensitivities that each variable played. Through testing, I found that 105 was the best balance of weight, stiffness, grip, acceleration, and braking. Once I was finished with the design of experiment, I started to converge on the weight and size.

I am in development of a 125mm because people just keep asking for that. It will be more comfortable, but it won’t grip as well and the range won’t be as good. It is also a lot tricker at that diameter to make a hollow version.

@ShutterShock whoah whoah. I am not saying it is the same. It is about the same. Two different things, in my opinion. The other hollow wheels are designed much differently. Those other wheels just have holes poked right thru them. So the rolling resistance is going to be pretty high. Mine has a pretty beefy side wall with no holes. I never said you can swap on the TB110 and have the same range. It’s about the same. It does have less range with the most comfortable suspension setting, but it isn’t far off. Of course, you can put in a stiffer suspension setting and get close to the TB110 as far as range. But anyone that tries out my wheels will definitely say it is more comfortable, grips better, has better acceleration, and a slower top speed. To me, I’ll take that compromise.

@kook Didn’t say it was the same! I did not say it was equivalent. Anyway, video coming out later tonight or tomorrow to show the proof.

@DEEIF I didn’t think there was an intro to speed? Mario is going on this 40 mile ride this Sunday, I thought?

@Oddcomo Would have loved you as a beta tester, but I am past that point now. It’s going into production and I don’t have time or energy to keep making these myself any longer. If you’re in the OC area and want to go to Intro to Speed (hosted by Mario), then come try them out. As far as shipping is concerned, DM me and maybe I can work something out?

@City-Blade-101 Thanks!

@fujio001 Thanks for the support! Shall keep you updated via email!

@Fosterqc I had a giant pot hole though? Not trying to mislead anyone. Unfortunately, I am out of money to go rent that HD slo mo cam.


You are 100% Correct, me and @Fessyfoo were toying with the idea of setting up our own mini intro to speed.


To be fair everyone hates the blind man bumps because you can’t avoid them

The 110’s handle them well, but you could easily tell that there was almost no vibration due to the smaller contact area with these wheels.


Cool. LMK. Can you DM me or email me if you do decide?

@ShutterShock They do. The clouds do a little better tho.


(not the pothole test)


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I do remember almost not feeling the blind man bumps at all with cloudwheels haha


I just took the leap of faith with the 40% off pre-order thingie…

don’t juke me bro…

even with the 40% off with bearings and all the tuning shit, tax licence, 500 mile warranty, and vig… these came out to almost $160 bux

fuck these are spendy… and I hope they’re worth it…

I hope we’re all stoked


if you fucks decide to do this someplace other than Torrance, let me know… I’d be up for a spin, but not in a parking lot in Torrance


:game_die: :game_die: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :eyes:

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surprising given that it looks like this haha
gif (1)
jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle


Bad memories :rofl:


yeah… I always manage to get molested in rando parking lots in Torrance… fuck that…


Will do, happen to have any cones?


Can I put these wheels on the hub motors of the Backfire Mini?

So i am quite curious, you have different holes around the wheel (triangle -square-triangle etc.) This does affect your wheels behavior on different points no? Was this intended or why did you choose those shapes? Most airless wheels i have seen dont do that.

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It looks like he’s going pretty slow, less than 10 I would say. If you go like 10 or more you can’t really feel them, also flexy deck

Oh boy… might be rethinking this haha I thought it would be like $110 max


original order said something like 139 bux then -40% off. so like 99 bux a set… I said sure for science
the the bearings, yeah throw that shit in to…

and then all the tuning shit… well fuck I’ll need all that shit to

for science

shipping will be calced at check out…

ok… hit ship…

the app says $157 bux

i said wholly fucking shit… these fuckers better be fucking excellent for almost $40 bux a wheel…

fuck me

I hope I’m stoked


Bahahaha, why’d you get the bearings? Aren’t zealous like $10 for the whole thing? Could probably local pickup the wheelz :rofl:

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I didn’t know I was going to help Doug build a fucking castle…

@TheGoodMomentum it’d be kind-a-nice if the prices were next to all the options not just pull and pray…

are you really saying this wheelset is worth $160 delivered and it’s going to only go up another 40%

I trust they’re magic…


I chickened out at the shipping stage, sorry Doug.