Deck/board choices around top box enclosures. List of different common plastic cases and brick battery sizes.

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A list of enclosures, what battery sizes they are good for, as well as decks that match up well.

Pelican cases

Apache cases


B&W Type 2000

Fits a 12s7p stacked vertically. 12s8p (or more) if you do 2 horizontal rows. Room in the lid for mounting ESCs.

Fits horizontally on Trampa decks. Example: Rusins' 1st Mountainboard | Trampa Holypro | Moon drives | NESE - #125 by rusins

Ammo boxes



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Well shit. Guess we can close this thread then. Thanks Evan!

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Maybe it can be used more exclusively for the deck-top enclosure box pairing questions.

That one is show off, this one is find your pick.