DAVEGA X: Gauging interest

New video of a street ride with the DavegaX showing the main speed, battery and motor current telemetry.

I also made some offroad footage but my gopro mount kept vibrating loose due to the heavy terrain, even though I cranked it down all the way. Will do an offroad version in the future when I get a different gopro mounting setup.


Very good video, was about to share it in this thread before I saw you did as well – shows the main features perfectly :smiley: The persepective is really good too – you see people and the terrain excellently. Although I must say, half-way through my neck started to hurt a bit :laughing:

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Thanks appreciate it :slight_smile: Yeah my neck is a bit stiff aswell from editing :joy: That’s why I have to get some new gopro mounts and get it straight, the bindings dont help with that unfortunately, but I will find a way :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Nice vid! Thanks for sharing. It’s a shame that the reflections make the display hard to read. Better angle should help with that. My experience is that on a day like that, with no direct sunlight, the display is perfectly readable from rider’s view since the sky doesn’t get reflected (as long as there’s a little bit of a tilt towards the rider).

@Riako’s sun shield might be helpful for taking footage like this. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3946474


Here’s a few pics from routing the davega cable on my new deck. Maybe someone will find it helpful.

I started with two small holes - 2mm drill.

I then extended the holes with 4mm drill and used small files both rounded and square to make a opening like this:

Just about right size to get the wire through.

JST housing is fairly easy to remove by unpinning all the crimps. Necessary for keeping the hole small.

Put the crimps back into the housing. You may want to check the fins on the crimps first and potentially gently move some of them away from the crimps so that they don’t come out of the housing. After re-pinning, make sure there’s no loose wire.

Seal the hole with hot glue or silicone.

Done. I kept the housing and baseplate from my old board that burned down as a reminder that I should always play it safe with li-ion batteries.


Is it possible for a future software release (or an update of 1.2.0 which I havnt had the data deletion error on yet) to allow the user to tweak the voltage reading? My davega consistently reads -.6v off from what the battery is :thinking:

My osrr reports a solid 42v at full charge, so it’s not the neoboxes :thinking:

Alternatively, is this something i can just edit within the code of my davega specifically?

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That’s a bit strange. It’s digital data. It’s not like there’s room for noise or any kind of inaccuracy.

If DAVEGA show incorrect voltage it’s because the VESC reports incorrect voltage. I suppose you have OSRR receiver plugged into one VESC and DAVEGA into another, right? You should try swapping them and see if the voltage value readings get swapped as well, which I’m convinced will be the case.

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Gotcha, I’ll give it a shot when I have it cracked open next :+1:

Regardless, is this fixable if I wanted to keep it connected as it is now?

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I could definitely add a preference to offset the voltage reading. That seems a bit hackish though.

Proper fix would be to implement CAN forwarding and make it possible to select from which of the two VESCs you want to retrieve the battery voltage reading. CAN forwarding is on the TODO list and long overdue. It will happen soon(-ish) = July/August.


Thanks :ok_hand: you are right, from my view I can read the screen pretty well. I might look into a angled riser or the shield but I would choose the clean look it has now over solving the incidental cases where I cannot read the screen. Might just use the shield for video runs though :ok_hand:

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Hey, What’s the fix for No data? I just received and setup my DavegaX and no data on display. My setup is on Trampa VESC 6 MK3, the DavegaX is connected to the COMM port on my Can VESC because the main VESC has the BLU module attached to it. I setup the Can VESC for PPM and UART and 115200 Baud. My Can VESC has both the DavegaX connected to it along with the PPM receiver.

Please check you don’t have TX/RX swapped. Wires have to go like this:

   DAVEGA       VESC
       5V <---> 5V
      GND <---> GND
       RX <---> RX
       TX <---> TX

Also double-check the VESC that the DAVEGA is connected to is really set up for “PPM and UART” with the correct baud rate.

If none of that helps, please report your DAVEGA FW version and your VESC FW version.


Isn’t it strange that rx from one device goes to rx from the other device ? Always saw serial going like rx/tx et tx/rx.

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Of course it’s rx/tx and tx/rx. That’s how UART connection works. This asymmetry unfortunately inevitably leads to a labelling problem since “RX” label can mean both:

  • this is the RX pin, or
  • connect your RX wire here

On DAVEGA it’s the latter. So the pin labeled RX is actually TX and vice versa.

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Hahaha, ok :slight_smile: First time I see that kind of labeling but we learn new things everyday !


Voted. Thanks for posting this here, as I had not seen that thread.

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I applied for VAT registration yesterday. As soon as I get it (probably in a few days), there will be additional 21% VAT for all EU customers. If you’re thinking about getting a DAVEGA X, this may be your last chance to purchase VAT-free. I’m temporarily prioritizing EU orders because of this so this also allows you to cut the usual 2 months waiting.

Here’s the order form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeumwVR7J5ZxPHDDXG-HFmUjEh5_lcl4SgkcUiTscnMtfvvXg/viewform


Pardon my question, but why did you applied for the VAT registration ? Is it mandatory where you live ?

I did the math and figured it’s better financially, especially since most of my sales go outside of EU. I’ve been trying to reduce the paid VAT as much as possible by ordering parts in small batches but that’s not sustainable. Plus, I’m setting up an office/workshop and there will be both one-off and regular costs with VAT included.

So basically I could either keep going without the VAT registration and increase the price for everyone or get the VAT registration and retain the prices for everyone but EU folks.