Custom Subsonic Century 40" Issues x2

The video you linked is actually the Century 40 i ordered for my build. Despite the errors you pointed out by watching the video, it came in flawless condition. Bradley did great work, and I am very happy with my subsonic century. In my personal opinion, you may be a bit too critical here over a few scratches - but that is your right as a consumer.

If it really peeves you, maybe ask for a small discount - but your boards integrity wont be affected and you still need to apply grip tape. It’s gonna scratch up by riding far more than whats there now.

Hope you get to enjoy it soon!


It took over a month to get my my last deck and they basically told me it was because they had been reduced to a one man operation for a period of time as a result of COVID-19.

It only needs a light sanding. Quite often though the whole thing gets custom paint or stain anyway.


Is there anyone here who doubts the structural integrity of Glitters deck?

Yes, I realize it’s aesthetically flawed.

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Haha, I suppose those boas can be ridden too? Damn, come to think of it, I own 0 boas, what the heck. Oy yeah, cats love tearing up boas :joy: :kissing_cat:

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Hey there Tim, I am a big fan of your quality work! & those sexy advertisement photos! :grinning:

Hey Damon, thanks for chiming in, always good to have you opinion! :+1:

Yeah I am learning that the hard way. Its a bummer too.

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Hey there stratoglide, thanks for your thoughts and questions!

So I had thought about either using minimal grip only on foot areas or minimal frit only on foot areas. As I looked at more and more beautiful Subsonic decks covered in carbon fiber, the idea and possible design of foot frit/grip sizing seemed to shrink over time, ideally. I love the carbon fiber weave, its a thing of beauty.

But when I received both with these Century’s with recessed indentions all over the top of the deck (9 or so big indentions, but other smaller ones exist also), my idea of covering blemishes collapsed. The photo’s above are not of all the recessed indentions, I would have to put frit/grip all over this damn deck to hide the sloppiness. Then its this bumpy glassy looking barrier over that pretty woven carbon fiber, where to me it loses its purity and visceral connection. I don’t want to go that route, as the carbon fiber was purely an aesthetic purchase.

3rd Subsonic deck remake, damn. Time is money, Subsonic is losing the perceptual battle along with their good name, then also losing money. Such a shame.

That is too bad, people are people, I wish covid was not a reality, and they had sufficient staffing, properly trained fabricators, multi step quality control, etc. I would hope Subsonic leadership would take an assessment and realize some of these glaring deficiencies could possibly be rectified. Obviously there is poor communication, lack of accountability, shoddy work, etc. Re-doing a deck over and over for customers is just not a business model I would think their business plan accounts for, I would hope that personal accountability would be expected and adhered to out of pride and an overall strong company culture. From what you are expressing and from what I am experiencing, I really hope they have a leader that can be honestly introspective, and reformulate their business and manufacturing plans towards what they have been historically built for: making quality objects.

Yep, that was communicated to me in email a month after my order, and my reply to Anne @ Subsonic was concerning their employees health, and doing things safely. People first, toys later.

Yea in the sun, that 3 foot test isn’t going to pass, and for people who see the recessed indentions, well those stick out more when you know it. Quality work should not need a 3 foot pass. Take a look at @Sender he for sure does not make products that need a 3 foot pass. It shows that he has pride, personal accountability, and professional accountability in his work. Subsonic used to have that too.

Yeah, totally get that. I expect that if I scratch up my deck then that is my problem, and I will have to deal with it or fix it. I did not expect to buy a brand new scratched up deck.

It’s pretty! :grinning:

Good question, I am waiting to hear back from Subsonic to determine course of action.

In my scenario, what would you accept? I’m thinking of sending an Evo to Sender, and knowing I get what I pay for, over retroactive discounts.

Yep, and noted! I really thought this mounting process would be easy for them, I mean, they did post a YouTube video on how to do that, which signifies that they believe they know what they are doing. Well fast forward 2 months and I get to see my board all scratched up, then realize they missed a very critical step in their “” How to Install a Battery Enclosure on an E-board" video. Maybe they put an edit on the video advising to properly protect the deck before measuring, drilling, and mounting the enclosure? Obviously that ommision is a glaring one.

Hey there, thanks for your comment, and what a coincidence on the video! I am glad your deck was not scratched up, it does appear Bradley was gentle in his actions with deck/table contact. Obviously I cannot say the same about my deck, so there is a potential disconnect with that video and what actually happened to my deck.

I appreciate your well wishes! Enjoy riding your Century! :grinning:

Will you write my college essays? I’m sure you can pump one out in less than a 2 hours :slight_smile:


Hey what do you recommend, 220 sandpaper? Also consider the dust and dirt fragments within the clear-coat at different depths, I am not sure how much sanding I would have to do on the hazy coat in order to get rid of all those thousands of perfectly trapped particles. Depth is a concern until I possibly investigate that with tools.

I just wanted to chime in here, as I think, personality wise, I’m very similar to you, but have a perspective I hope you’ll feel is relevant:

I’m a perfectionist, I make much more complex, completely hand-made items, for a living (fueled by masochistic delusion). I also, am an over-researcher. I do not make uninformed choices. When I settle on something I have extremely high expectations and am usually, upon receiving goods, disappointed. That feeling isn’t illegitimate, usually the expectations are set by the provider and they’re disproportionate to the actual quality delivered; it’s a symptom of the disconnect people have with reality, and their inability to process inadequacies. We all suffer to some degree.

All that said, I’ve also learned, that after a week or so of being “fuck this shit”, a couple of days of being seriously pissed, and the rest of ambivalence, I usually settle into a realization that I’m expecting way too much.

Your critiques are valid, they created expectations they couldn’t meet. That said, the things I see in the photos, are purely aesthetic, and should be better, however, the moment you ride this board, you’ll introduce more blemishes. The moment you “drive it off the lot” as the cliche goes.

I make tools that rival the crazy costs of our highest end boards, they’re pieces of functional art, and I can’t blame anyone but myself when they’re not "perfect’. Let me gift you the only piece of absolute truth I’ve learned in my decades of that pursuit; perfect does, and has not ever existed. My art is functionally the oldest mankind has ever pursued, yet the greatest master of the trade would revel till his death to achieve 98% of 100%.

They shouldn’t promise you the moon certainly, but tbh, you should know better than to expect it also. I literally HATE every piece I make, for weeks after I get disgusted enough to stop trying to make it better. Eventually after I get over the tunnel vision, I can see that it’s really not half bad, and inevitably a collector will think its the best shit they’ve ever seen.

Ultimately, what’s your alternative? If you’ve got one you’re certain will be better, by all means, get a refund and move on to it, but if not?


Yes! haha. :wink:

I was thinking of you first comment above, and remembered I was admonished in the 8th grade for turning in a 16 page paper on aeronautics. It was supposed to be 10, lol, that seems so long ago.


I wish we could edit still… Just wanted to add that I meant my post with nothing but love and compassion to a fellow tortured soul, if it sounds critical or snarky, that’s not remotely my intent. I really really you fwiw.


Lol “really really feel you” rather. Ok, editing must return now.


That escalated quickly


Are you stalking me now? Feeling left out? I’ll find some mormons to marry us all bae, dont worry gg! :kissing_heart:


Hey there javand, thank you for your careful words, I really connect with you there. I can say I align very much with your thoughts, so I understand your greater point, your gestalt.

Yep, thats part of the reason I created this topic, to get input from friends and the community to make sure my gut instinct is best for me. Perspective is good, this topic helps me with that. Thank you again for the time and effort you have placed in your words, I can see the great care you have. :grinning:

PS, I would love to see some of your work, if you would like, feel free to message me!


That is exactly what I got from your post, no worries buddy. :+1:


I definitely try my best.

(All mid process)