What happened to editing?
Edit: I’m so confused
What happened to editing?
Edit: I’m so confused
Bro you just came here to flex didn’t you
Gotta work those muscles somewhere brohawn!
Haha respect where it’s due, goddamn those are some sexy decks
This was kinda what I was trying to get at, it can only be perfect for so long
I did 18 coats of poly my first time glass fritting just to get that perfect top coat without a brush stroke then got my clear frit muddy on the first ride and scratched it to shit. My fucks given for aesthetics on skateboards has definitely waned.
Just wait until they are actually completed!
Seriously I can’t, it makes me too jealous
sadness for you. Best left to the pros
That is all we can really expect and hope when we buy objects, or deal with people. I appreciate you communicating that to me Tim.
Also, your work is so damn nice. So damn consistent. Don’t even get me talking about the specific design aspects of your creations, they might ban me for being too wordy! Let me just say, your work is dope, your vision is provocative, and your execution is on point.
Maybe Subsonic should get Senderized? Subsonic, by Sender ™
The correct answer is a Redember x eBoosted x Sender combo…that’s as fine as they get
Edit: please excuse, science is happening
Hmmm… is that so
Edit: funny u mention that
Get your board in yet?
Hahaha Monday
@Sender I was about to post both pics of the 44s. Then realized I don’t have any pics of the second one yet
My ocd was triggering hard that first time I’ve perfected my craft since Hahaha. But seriously zoom in on anything enough and you’ll find something sooner or later
I’m honestly just jealous of your skills
Yes indeed, I feel ya. I realize that too. Thank you for reiterating.
The disconnect is I would never consider purchasing a scratched up dented Porsche, as a new car. Now if I scratch up and dent my new Porsche, that’s on me. But the prancing pony in Stuttgart makes nice products, I thought Subsonic was like the Porsche of longboards, but I guess thats actually @Sender and 1166.
Nah man.
This is rough cut out.
About 3 more hours in 4 sessions left on these.
Save your zoomie bullshit
Haha I knew it was to easy, it’s almost like you set me up
But really let me go grab my microscope real quick I’m sure I’ll find something.
But first I need to buy one of your decks hmmmm
Perfect I’ll be contacting you once my semester starts !
How can you people not edit, I’m so confused. Is it a level thing?
Edit: more science