Feb auction donations here:
Hi all, I’ll try to keep this as simple as possible and let it progress as organically as Kim Kardashian’s career after she banged some dude and put it on the internet.
We’re going to be holding a bimonthly community lead auction here on the forum.
The goal, in a nutshell:
We gather parts from the community, small bits, big bits and everything in between. Enough to get a board built and working in some capacity. Whether that means a beast or a super terrible but working shopping cart runner it does not matter.
That board is then auctioned off in fully open bid and transparent manner, this way because this is a community initiative and it’s supposed to be fun. One-upmanship welcome as long as it’s civil.
Proceeds from the auction are split 50/50 between a donation to a worthy cause at the time. Skate related charities would be cool but when we run out of those we can go with wherever the money would best be used. Part donators can vote on which charity. The other half of the money will go into the forum maintenance pot to keep this place awesome for us all.
A builder will be selected (volunteer) to “host” the build every time, this can rotate as needed as we have a huge pool of talent on the forum. For our first build we are blessed to have Mike @mmaner as a volunteer, Mike lives in the US for shipping purposes.
I will run the part collection and other admin on paper from my mud hut and parts will be shipped directly to the builder.
We will spend 45ish days gathering parts and 15 days for the auction every time (roughly two months every time, 6 times a year)
One part donation per person per auction (aside from things like cells and dual esc’s, so within reason). This is in place so that we don’t end up with a whole auction being “funded” by one person, this is supposed to be a rag tag collection of community off casts, so let’s make that happen!
Vendors are encouraged to contribute of course, big parts would be cool . Dig through your thirds and those parts that slid under the filing cabinet when you were practicing karate in the workshop and fire them at us.
So with all that said:
Let’s gather some parts. Parts will be selected based on quality, age and usability in the particular build we’re working on. We’ll swap and change them as bits become available and the ones unused can go in next time if they are still available.
Let us know what you have please, once it’s all planned out you can ship them Mike and we’ll get building.
Lets make this fun.
P.S. If you have suggestions for the format of this initiative I’d like to hear them. Could you please PM me directly as not to clutter the post. This was a waste of time