Hey everyone, I like to introduce you to the Community Board. The Community Board was board straight out of the community wishes and needs for a better performing ESK8 for our group rides. We are with over 100 riders the largest ESK8 group ride community in Germany located in NRW (Düsseldorf/Cologne area) and organize group rides on weekly basis during the summer time. Since our group grew bigger and bigger, our rides got also more extended and the need of faster boards with higher range come up. The only problem is, that the vast majority of us already has one of the best performing boards on the market. If you are aksking yourself now what we are riding, I can tell you, that most of us are riding GTRs since the European headquater of Evolve is located in our City and we really appreciate a reliable local customer service. As you can see, for some of us 40km-50km of range in street setup or 25-30km in AT setup and 36km/h-46km/h is just not enough. There are for sure alternatives with higher top speed and higher range out there, like LaCroix, KalyNYC or BajaBoards, but like I said we really appreciate a local customer service for every eventuality, just in case. Further we would like to avoid high shipping costs, custom duties, long waiting time and gerneral problems regarding the import of ESK8s from non EU countries. So it felt just natural for us to building our own boards that fit our individual needs and purposes. After facing some major DIY problems finding the right parts or paying a super high premium with high minimum order quantitys for customized parts, we were thinking about alternatives. Since not everyone of us is able to produce ESK8 parts by himself and not everybody who just likes to ride a better board enjoys the process through a DIY build, we decided to make our own small production series of high performance boards. So everyone who feels the need of more performance during group rides can fulfill his wishes and compensate the lack of power his actual board offers him or her. So far to our background story.
Let’s go the hard facts. We are aiming to build an ESK8 with high power, high range, unquestionable reliability and unique driving experience. All paird with a customer service located in Germany. The parts of the board should be also made a far as possible in Germany or Europe and we prefer to work with local manufactures to provide a sustainable, environmentally friendly production with short transportation ways and a high grade of customization and quick adaptation to improvements.
We also did some survays to figure out what most riders expecet from such a high performance board. The results are a range of over 80km and a top speed of arround 60km/h and enough torque and acceleration to ride through the woods and shred some hills with ease, if necessary. A 2in1 ST/AT setup is also a must have for most of us. So we put together a list with parts we want to test for our build. Please feel free to add you thoughts, opinions and suggestions to our plans.
Parts we tested already or will test in the future:
Deck: Customized appx. 11"x41" deck with various flex out of various woods hand made in Germany Probably top mount with micro drop. Suggestions welcome!
Griptabe: Customized high friction soft griptabe with memory foam cushioning
Battery: 12S12P 18650 30Q, 12S8P 21700 40T battery pack hand made in Germany
BMS: Customized high current smart BMS designed in NL and Germany
ESC: Customized FS or MT VESC6 with 200A/400A coded in Germany
Enclousure: Customized GFK/CFK/ABS enclousure, we are still looking for an EU/GER manufacturer
Motors: MT 6396, we are still going to test alternatives like MT 8085, TB 6380, FS 6384, APS 6384S tuned in Germany
Trucks: Since we want to offer a 2in1 ST/AT solution we were thinking about offering 2 types of trucks. E.g. MBS Metal Matrix II for AT and a DKP Evolve style for ST. We are also looking for a manufacturer for customized trucks
Mounts and gears: Customized E-TOXX (since we are almost neighbors) alternatives are welcome for testing, especially from manufacturers who can process titanium
Belts: Kevlar/rubber belts
Bushings: At least 3 different in hard, middle, soft. suggestions and manufacturer welcome!
Wheels: We will offer at least 4 types of wheels in 4"-5" in PU/rubber and 6"-9" pneumatics
Bearings: Customized high speed no corrosion ceramic bearings
Screws and washers: Customized made out of titanium
Charger: 6-12A quick charger
Lights: Custom shape high output lights
After finishing and stress testing the prototype we will launch a limited first batch of 50 boards on Kickstarter/Indiegogo
Please let us know your improvement suggestions for the Community Board and if you have general mentionable ideas, that you think will help the Project X feel free to share them with us. Since it is a 100% community project we appreciate and respect all opinions and try to fulfill as many wishes as possible.
We hope you will enjoy the process creating a Community Board as much as we do and you will have as much fun with the Project X as we have.
Sincerely yours
Group Ride NRW
For those of you who are interested in following the Community Bord Project and keep updated, there is also a thread on the ESK8 Builders forum. Have fun!