Coming for that MOON BOOTY [Stooge Link Evo]

@Jujo the trucks give the board like a new feeling of power… How does it feel on the evo? The drops/angled ends mess it up?


This weekend brother. Going back to belts n pulleys :rofl:


Ive never felt more stable on an Evo aside from maybe those thicc boi master carves on @CiscoV Evo but I’ve got my trucks as loose as possible

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I will never forget pulling up to Intro to speed with the evo on belts… Snapped the belt in under an hour and didn’t have spares on me… :sleepy:

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You can use some risers n shit. I can have my boy make some shorter mounts here at the shop. Just short enough to clear the enclosure


@jujo Once you put some miles on that I recommend lowering the rear bar to the middle and keeping them loose… although it might not be recommended it’s what I like it as :man_shrugging: It makes the trucks more stable but still same amount of turn.

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Haha. Yup. It blows but. To be fair. I’ve never broken a belt before. Knock on wood


Lucky duck :rofl: I blew three belts in two days and those are the only belts I’ve broken :stuck_out_tongue:


Yup. That’s a boosted trademark right there :rofl:

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Ahaha, actually my boosted is the only belt board I didn’t blow a belt on… just shy of 400 miles on her :man_shrugging: Now it ain’t my problem though, shipped her off last week


The only other thing I like riding other than this board is my EUC. I just feel so fucking cool riding it. God I fucking love boosted boards and scooters too @CiscoV

Edit: only trying to trigger Cisco


Honestly really want to try an EUC… We were smoking on the EUC guys at the track a couple weeks back, definitely not meant for short track stuff…




I don’t use mine almost ever, so I’ll see if I can box it up and send it over!

@CiscoV idk if you’ve watched, but I love that show and I heard Lola’s voice :rofl:


Don’t forget the lameass ebikes that look like WWII motorcycles with pedals :rofl::fu:t3:


Ahahaha, I just mean to try it out. I rode a OneWheel :nauseated_face: Last year and honestly it was pretty damn fun for beach riding and just riding with people who didn’t have boards or Ebikes etc.

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I got the holy trifecta. GotWay MSX 84V, Onewheel XR , and now this Moon booty Evo. I will never get an ebike or scoot scoot :face_vomiting: but @DEEIF if you’re seriously interested, I don’t mind letting you hold onto my EUC for a couple months

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OneWheel is on the list… just trying to find a cheap one :rofl:

All good man, I doubt I would want to ride an EUC since I’ve got the killshot and I’ve heard the tires don’t go too well on the sand :grin: Thanks for the offer though!


You’re gonna make some grown ass men cry if you keep dissing their beloved “comfort bikes”. I’d just go straight to an actual electric motorcycle for actual commuting instead of paying thousands just to sit down during a group ride :joy:


Yes. Exactly!
I think I handled pretty well Last time one of those fuckers tried to say hello to me

I did what every boosted rider does in the while when I try to say hi to them and they don’t know me. I ignored his ass n acted like I’m the shit :grin::+1:t3: