City Blade is omnipresent.


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Love the direction it is going :grin::grin:

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yeah, the creature takes form :space_invader:

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Ya need bigger fillets on that enclosure if ur going to use cloth fibre, otherwise its going to bulge around the corners if you dont vacuum it. Especially the inner corners against the deck.


Oh yeah, I will go the vacuum route.
It will be a bit tricky here and there but thank you for reminding me.
Even with vacuum i will use wedges which will work against this.


Did the GF layering yesterday so the whole thing last to cure until today…letz have a look.
I didnt went the vacuum route bc, I dont care for perfection, I care for reliability.
Hopefully this stuff will not delaminate.
Used some bottle caps as anti sink i burried in the GF…lets see how this will hold up.

…looks pretty good so far and i had zero problems to get this off the deck and removing the foam block was quiet easy bc of enough foil it was wrapped in.



This is turning out great! I can’t wait to see it finished.

~ one of your millions of followers


Hahhaaha means a lot for me coming from you, my friend. Thank you so much, that feels great :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Therefor i cut the vacuum route everything went pretty well so far.
I have a lack of Working Tools, so I had to cut that out with a tomato knife and now will sand it with grip tape :+1: :joy: :joy: :joy: :handshake:
Man made machine :joy: :joy: :joy:


mad respect on the making do.

(i may or may not still sculpt things from hot glue on occasion because who needs a 3D printer for one off component/wire management parts)


Yeah, so true. Everything has more than one way to get a nice result.
Thanks for your nice words, man :hugs: :raised_hands:

That statement is valid for both the skilled craftman and the one who prefer to not fiddle too much with computers :smirk:

@City-Blade-101 that’s some clean glass fiber work there!

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I guess it was more like a hint from Damon to use the hot glue gun for some good reasons and for maybe uncommon varieties of using this glue as a material you can make models with. :upside_down_face:
I do both, computers and hot glue gun shot downs :grinning: :star: :upside_down_face:

Thanks fo your nice words, Christopher :hugs:
Im pretty happy with the outcome on the first look.
On the 2nd view I saw delaminating areas around the bottle plugs :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: small areas, but areas :partying_face: :partying_face:
The areas where I used standard washers looks perfect so far. Will try to add more epoxy to the delaminated points, that should work.
Need to strengthen the structure anyways, needs more GF :smiley: :sunglasses: …next step activated…program loaded…knock, knock


Maybe you can put weight on the surface? Big books, flat rock, wood plank?

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yeah, I did exactly that, but the bottle caps moved while working with that sticky epoxy and bc of that they dont sit in the right position. They where not covered with GF all over. I added grip tape to one side of the washers so they didnt move in the liquid. I will add this to my “for science” book. :smiley: and will never forget that for my next bottle cap heart shaped box :heart:


…prepared bottle caps as washers for Fancy Nancy Candy Sandy…just got these long m6 screws i have to shorten one day :slight_smile:
Brutal inserts Though! Not sure if I use them


Almost done…vesc are up, but I skipped the bt modul first. Bolted the fucboxes to the diy heat sink using my special washers on the fancy side :yum:
Mounted the enclosure and glued everything up inside, really strong but not finally, bc I wanna go on my maiden voyage test ride tomorrow, IF everything is fine then open this shit up again to add much more silicone and some yoga bed around the enclosure. Loop key and Mt60s are jb welded from inside and there are 2 charge ports for the 10s4p batterie for now :laughing:


tested out the board in front of the house for just a few meters and noticed it was not enough power with these tiny numbers I carefully have chosen. :joy:
Still not having VT app on my phone, I mounted off the enclosure and ran VT from my laptop again. Mounted everything together again and went outside for the next test. Still gross and annoying :joy: :joy: :joy:


Could be a cold solder joint, or just the wrong parameters…I will find out.
The weakest point on the board is def the hub motors and I was going foc uncensored. Will try out bldc for comparsion after a bit tuning them numbers :sunglasses: