Cheap FOCer! (VESC compatible 4.12 redesign) (Tested and Functional)

I’m interested to see what temperature this FOCer runs at! You are using it the way I intended with the aluminum enclosure.

Well the forced airflow in doomy’s test is a bit unrealistic for most applications I guess.

I’m not sure he actually intends to place the controller in the path of the forced air from the propeller. Even just relative airflow from the vehicle moving at any speed should have very good cooling attributes. I wouldn’t say this is unrealistic at all. I would say its very realistic especially for not-esk8.

I had some trouble with foc detection (only the hub motor setting went trough) and when going over 50 motor amps it does not spin up properly.

Maybe its because i run the newest firmware release. Does anyone have the better working vesc tool?

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@doomy Do not use firmware 3.5 and newer. FOC detection does not work well at all with the FOCer for these newer versions.

I believe there are issues in general with 4.12HW and the newer firmware. I’m not sure what the root of the problem is but motor detection is definitely not smooth.

@doomy did you try ackmaniacs fw?

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Yeah thats probably it, i could not find the 3.50 version so i just used the new one.

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I’ve heard good things about Ackmaniac’s firmware as mentioned by @Benjamin899 . Might be worth a shot.

@b264 Can I ask a question at this moment ? Do the esk8 riders choose to use a cheap & powerful BLDC driver instead of an expensive FOC VESC ?

There are many kinds of riders, mostly in a few groups

A) college / young folks who want to esk8 and have very limited funds (need cheap)
B) downhill longboarders who’ve aged and want a toy longboard now (need fast)
C) commuters who use this as transportation (need reliable)
D) MTB, folks who want channel trucks and bindings and huge tires (need power)

of course, there are many overlaps and this is just my opinion/observation

You’re likely hitting markets A and maybe C if done right. Never market D with this design but your other 84V ESC will definitely hit market D (and B) hard. As these are physically larger, that might be their biggest concern for longboard use, but they can often be made to work if they check all the other boxes.

So to answer your question, I think markets C and D would have the most use for BLDC. I am squarely in market C myself and I like BLDC for two reasons – more reliable and it’s louder. I don’t like FOC because the skate drivetrain makes hardly any noise. I like when pedestrians can hear me and when I can hear feedback on what’s happening down there. But in many places, esk8 is forbidden and those folks may also want covertness, which always means FOC.


Thank you @b264 for that really informative answer., I got it now. Yes the no-noise drive is also an issue, there are EU laws coming out for e-cars, for them to have some sort of noise generators. And yes covertness for esk8s is another issue.

Iam now into a different type of antispark switches, custom decks and esk8 storage systems right now. If needed later I will be into the drive units. I am trying to read the threads and get anything useful to create smt valuable for the community. Thats why I ask (may be silly, stupid, asked before… etc :slight_smile: ) questions. You are good at drawing the overall picture and I appreciate your time.

Other 84V ESC is not mine by the way :slight_smile: but it looks good :+1:

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What exactly is the problem people have with new firmware on v4 hardware? I’ve played around with most 2019 firmwares. The open loop flux linkage detection is new but the R/L measurement should be the same.

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I’ve done motor detection and FOC with the same motor using both 3.4x and 3.57 firmware. No issues with 3.4x but I definitely had issues with 3.57.

@janpom also had similar issues when beta testing his FOCers. Reverting to older firmware fixed the issue.


Tried the ackmaniak firmware, FOC still does some weired things when going over 50A…

Also tried BLDC and up to 70A is stable… going over that the esc stops randomly… is this the overcurrent protection kicking in?

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not on expert on these things, but what is the weird part? that it is slowly falling off?

Its the same as in BLDC, motor stops suddenly… Cant see any faults in the terminal… At 70A continous, FETs are at ~70C after 1minute…

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ah ok, i thought you just let go of the throttle, sorry misunderstood you. that is indeed weird. maybe changing components that are similiar to the original are the problem?

This is good insight.

I land in market D and B (and A cause im a cheapskate) - I want a board i can jump, thats also quick and built like a brickshit house. So while the 4.XX VESC’s are not ideal, in 2/4WD applications this can be more than enough in most cases. The key here is making sure that the hardware can manage the punchy torque and the high load. Apart from that the limiting factor of the 4.XX to my understanding is that its current output just isnt going to fully supply the motors that MTB users are going to be running.

For instance my two 6374’s are capable of something close to 3400w - 4.XX hardware isnt going to do that but on the same side of the coin, the 84V ESC that’s mentioned (iirc loosely based on the VESC 6 hardware) will have much more headway and ability to punch that 3400w limit, but everything we’ve seen on the boards here pretty much imply that the typical MTB doesnt come close to the current limit even on 4.XX hardware when cruising or horsing around on grass / dirt. Its when you punch it or climb a 24 foot steep pitch incline that those amps start to come into play, when that happens you’re leveraging your ‘burst’ potential of the controller which again is much higher on the 6.X hardware but still no slouch on the 4.XX.

This is mostly anecdotal and also info i’ve picked up while lurking for the last two years. @thurbolt The market will buy anything that works, cheap or not. If most super-stores are anything to go on, people that care less about having ‘brand name’ product will handily compromise just to have something 80% as good for 50% the price. Especially if its known to last.


It seems that i just killed the DRV chip. Disabled the OC protection and i only get DRV errors now. Damn


I suspect that implies we’ve got a hard cap of 70 AMPs? Do you know what the Temp’s were at before the blowout?

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