Charging Ports: Pros, Cons and Information

:thinking: definitely seems doable. How bug are the mini blade fuses?


Not sure how you would diy the port cover very well though. Haha I would want more fuses stored in there as well…

Definitely could get the dimensions way down depending on how your orient them. I was kinda confused the other day when I was thinking of DC jacks with fuse combination that must exist.

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I can see it, and it looks awesome. I wish I had time to CAD it up.


And idea that comes to mind is cutting the lid off a Gatorade bottle and using that. Easy to replace and replicate the receptacle.

Ok entering shitty diwhy territory I must relinquish.


Skatan gave us 3d printers for a reason Quinn.


I started using GX-16-2 ports a while back and I definitely like them a lot. The receiving port doesn’t stick out too much and the backshell area is decently small

@glyphiks I have a weipu I haven’t used yet but wow is it nice. Shame they’re like 8 bucks a pop tho


It’s no Gatorade bottle, but fitted this on my build tonight.


Definitely the classiest xt30 charge port I have seen :ok_hand:

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That looks super nice! Certainly wish I could buy something like that cheap.

If some some reason you needed minimum depth maybe the xt30 could be at an angle. Or fully horizontal but that could be too annoying and wouldn’t get tugged out as easily to protect.

Hmm do we need a separate thread for mounting charge ports vs procuring them…


Sure do.

Turned it into a wiki. Took a bit longer, had to get some beauty sleep

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So we’re just gonna pretend that the existing charge port wiki Shua and I made doesn’t exist? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Don’t you know?

Rather than searching, you can just post a new topic! Its brilliant!


I gotchu boo! Need the practice anyway.

Needs info merged and the titles need managed to where the drop downs are hiding the large chunk of info. If work is slow, I’ll tackle it today.


I was going to use some of these fuse holders on my board to keep em easily changeable. They’re nice n mountable right by the charge port for plus easy access.Is there a reason I don’t see glass fuses talked about as much?

AUGYUESS 5PCS Black AC 125V/15A…

Check out TrueConn and PowerConn connectors. Best bulkhead waterproof connectors ever and they handle a lot of amperage.

The SP13 2-pin connector has been my default for some time now. Handles most charging currents I end up seeing on a board, is low-profile enough to not invite issues, the cap is easy to work with, and the assembly/implementation is straightforward and easy to solder.


Not sure how I missed it! Swear I searched for charging ports, connectors and didn’t see it. Happy to close this topic and merge the info in I still can’t edit wikis, but once I can ill do that.

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