What they used u want want. U want single strand it will be easier and better.
Omega sell a single envelop of heat resistant Epoxy
To figure what wire size u either have to count how many wraps and of what size is on now and can figure what u could fit as single strand lrk. And terminate wye is easiest. If u figure the wire diameter and how many turns it’s easy from there
Sounds like a magnet came loose and you didnt realize that. Maybe the loose magnet is still in place while disassembling so you didnt notice
Test every single magnet with some screwdriver or something magnetic.
Sometimes weird things can happen.
Good luck, dude.
i ve seen your conversation with John
That idea just came to my mind bc a friend of mine had a similar problem with a loose magnet. Could have been the easiest fix then, but fuck, you got a real problem i guess. @hummie for the win win win !
have you ever accomplished this from the description you gave?
it would seem to me if you count the wraps, and wire gage, and rewound LRK the amount of wire and resistance would be half, as you are only using 1/2 the amount of stator teeth…
The hard part is getting the wire off. If u can do that without damaging the stator insulation the rest is easy and cheap. Cheap and easiest is to get the wire off without counting or measuring anything Then get some very thin “magnet wire”and do a version of the lrk winding w it. It will take like 10 min max even if never done before. Run the motor on the bldc tool and see what the kv is. Then based on what kv that got adjust how many loops of wire,”turns”, then rewind with the fattest wire u can fit. And for sure a better motor. U don’t even have an lrk winding which is like the highest winding factor or magnetic circuit. Besides how u likely will get more copper in and this and that
I also gave up taking wire out of Tacon 160. It gets jammed even when cutting. Cutting made it harder to pull wire. People do it though. Maybe dremmel through be easiest.