Not used that specific diagram but imagine it’s right.
With ur motor likely wound dlrk let’s say it has 9 turns or loops around each tooth. All would likely be the same 9 and hopefully balanced. Although u can wind more or less on a tooth if balanced at the other side of the stator. Anyway u have 9 turns around each tooth and ultimately 18 turns in the slot. 9
From each side. With lrk you’d just wind 18 on every other tooth for same inductance.
Besides having a higher “winding factor” at .96 vs dlrk w .94, which amounts to a better magnetic circuit, it seems to be easier to get more copper on in my experience. It’s also fail proof in winding in that u just get as much on a tooth and don’t have to consider room for the winding beside. It’s also more fault proof and could save ur collar bone in having the magnet wire phases isolated from each other avoiding possible phase to phase disaster shorting from vibrations between phases with a measly two layers of Magnet wire insulation between. Yikes.
Really u should get the stator off to make it easier. But that’s another nut too. Winding easier with it off but u can wind with the motor bearing tube still in the stator
Think would end up about the same length (less transits between teeth so maybe bit less w lrk, but the lrk has thick stack of windings and longer distance per “turn”. The thickness is a downside to lrk and good for long motors like we use as the thick stack creates more “end turns” at edge of tooth. )
Same gauge, (about) same length, same turns equals same kv. 18 turns on one tooth same as 9 on two. U can do it with very thin wire first to test how many turns u want to get kv
thanks buddy! that’s about what I was thinking… let me see if I can get these st00pid windings off with at least one phase intact to get some measurements!!
U don’t need to keep it intact and rip it off just don’t pull off the top n bottom laminates of the stator. Then wind a really thin easy to wind wire quickly To get measurement of kv and go from there.