Carvons v4 need help fixing

So need a bit of help

Have these carvon v4 sd and one motor makes a weird noise

This noise gets amplified when riding above like 15mph
It is some sort of krrrrr noise which is really annoying and loud

The resistance is reasonably high in the motor

95mohms compared to 35 on the other

What is the best way to work out the issue and to solve it

@kook I know you fixed some carvons
Did you ever have this issue

Thanks a lot everyone

Please help if possible

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Here are motor detection values

Looks like the windings are going bad? Any thing else to differentiate the motors?

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Will send pics in a min

Hi @ZachTetra here are the stator

Not sure really what differences I am looking for?

What would it look like if the windings are bad?

Any sign of fracture or abrasion, so shiny bits of metal near moving parts or wires that are split…just very carefully inspect everything

Also get a multimeter and check the resistance between all the phase leads (3 sets per motor)


yeah will check resistance

nothing visible is the issue

also someone suggested trying bldc could that make a difference

BLDC should not make a difference if the motor is actually damaged, only if the motor detected wrong or something of that nature

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yeah ok

looked and couldnt see any visible problem
checking resistance now

Disassembling the motor reassembling it and re-detecting should be equivalent to running bldc

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k thanks very much

gonna try a couple things and see what makes a difference

i will be so annoyed if these carvons are dead

do you know by nay chance what motor they used in them?

Older ones are rewound sk3


yeah not sure about these though

i beleive @b264 might now

also for some reason the bit to measure ohms on my multimeter is broken so is there a different way to measure

i just changed around the phase wires and it seems to have got worse

even on the bench it is now being real weird

V4 carvons are made from koolwheel hubs iirc

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oh ok

so is there anyway to reasonably easy replace the stator

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Not a question I can answer, but my guess is probably not :man_shrugging:t2:

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Ah ok shoot

Guess I have lost a pretty penny then if I can’t work out how to fix these

I bought these from @moros who said they worked fine

I pmed but if he doesn’t reply then I guess gonna have to make a charge back

Maybe give that guy some time to respond…