I’m going to need a vehicle to get to the bus stop which is around a mile and a half away from my house. I have wanted to build a DIY esk8 for a while now and this is a great excuse. Heres what I’m thinking:
-Loaded Vanguard deck
-85mm Orangutang Caguma’s
-Torque Boards 218mm trucks
-Torque Boards V7 motor mount
-Torque Boards 15t motor pulley/36t wheel pulley
-Torque Boards 370mm belt
-VX1 remote
-DIY enclosure
-2x6s LiPo’s in series
I’m still undecided on the motor however, I need it to go 25mph~ish. Im thinking either a 6355 or a 6374, which one do you guys think is going to be better for this application? I’m also undecided on the esc, I need it to be a reliable Vesc, but don’t need a crazy power one. What would you guys suggest for this? Also feel free to critique this list and give me suggestions. I want to make this a fun and reliable build.
As someone who has built a loaded build, get eBoosted’s enclosure. I have the 10s4p and when people ask to look at the board and I tell them I built it they are astonished. It’s a match made in heaven. eBoosted shop
I am seriously looking to upgrade to his 12s3p 21700 enclosure from my 10s4p 18650 if you are looking for an enclosure at a discount
Hey! I would highly suggest sorting your enclosure first if you’re gonna DIY it, and not buy anything else until you have that.
Here I go!
The stuff I like:
-Loaded Vanguard deck
-85mm Orangutang Caguma’s
-2x6s LiPo’s in series
Small wheels will be fine if you have a flexy deck, and 2x lipos is the best budget way to get a battery if you don’t need much range. 2 thumbs up
The stuff I don’t like:
Boardnamics CNC trucks are so much nicer – more axle room for pulleys with integrated bearings, no slop when mounting the motor clamps, no bending, compatible with cheap caliber 2 baseplates – if you can afford it, definitely pick Boardnamics gear over Torqueboards. TB customer service can also be horrendous.
Also, getting pulleys with integrated bearings (like from Boardnamics, lol) is 100% worth it. Bolt on pulleys are a PITA to align properly, and they weigh more and are less reliable. It takes a master builder to use them properly, and you’re only saving like 10$ a wheel. Not worth it.
Very hit or miss. I used to like it, but now both of mine have had occasional disconnects. Fine if you don’t plan to ride fast and can deal with that, but if you want something reliable – VX1 pro might be better, and a hoyt puck is reliability king. Mini remote is also a reliable option for cheap.
If you’re on a budget, use a loop-key to power your board on and off, and get a makerX DV4. Super cheap V4.12 ESCs from other companies will die from the 12s voltage and take special care to run without dying. If you can find some used focboxes that would also work, but might not be any cheaper than the maker x offerings.
That’s what I was thinking too as the wanted specs would fit very well with a ~$400 budget board from one of many Chinese companies. Actual price would likely be even lower if a board with a 6s2p battery back exists. My price estimate is for the same specs but with a 10s3p battery but that would add more weight and extra range that won’t be needed.
Compare that to the costs of just a VESC and remote which will be at least about $300 if you get them used and for a good deal. @Stockster4 if you want the best deal for your money and a decent Eskate that will be up and running out of the box then go prebuilt. If you don’t care about the cost and don’t need it up and running ASAP then go with DIY. Alternatively you could do both: look for any local used prebuilts for sale to use immediately and start buying the parts for a DIY
Thanks so much for this! @b264 said that for my use case a smaller deck might be better, so back to the drawing board. I’ll update you guys when I figure some specs out for that.
Single or dual drive? Edit: just beat me
I have some stuff you might be able to use, ill take a look at my spare parts, might be able to save ya some cash
Yeah offhand, from your list and my probably incomplete list, i got several small decks, a couple of em with enclosures, some spare caliber and caliber style trucks and one tb truck im pretty sure, motor mounts, possibly belts(but no pullies of all things lmao), and aaaaa… Im pretty sure its a vx1 remote, idk, didnt like it and so never used it lol.
Ill message ya with some pictures in a bit, hands kinda full rn haha
Checked one drawer so far. Lol. Little mounts, big mounts, endless belts, various hangers. Have baseplates that work for all of em.
Still got 2 more drawers, a bin, and an entire closet full of decks to check through xD