Building with the Bustin Sportster

There’s a few of us that snatched up a Bustin Sportster for black Friday or their new deck + enclosure option.

Gonna use this thread to ponder ideas + enclosure options + possible set ups for this deck. there are a few builds with it but not many.

@bwahl602 @NingNing


Did they have the enclosure for sale too or just the deck?

Cool to see the integrated deck being offered as a standalone.


Thats a super dope deck + enclosure combo
$250 pretty fair price too


Dude I’ve been waiting to buy a Sportster. Probably gonna get this and pair with my neohubs that I ordered. Nice :pray:


About to pull the trigger, $105 shipped currently for the sportster

You gonna get the package with enclosure or just Sportster?

where can you buy the deck only without the enclosure?
(deck with cutout, not the regular deck)

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Im just gonna order the sportster. The enclosure looks nice, but I’ll DIY something

And you can buy on the site. Below the price will be a link for deck only


It says like 139 for me. Is there a discount code? I want one too :grin:

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It’s only on the elements graphic

Order submitted :slight_smile:

Mine isn’t showing that cheap :confused:

Oh wait you applied a discount yeah. Definitely gonna order

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Still didn’t pull the trigger :joy: been trying to talk myself out of it.

But I probably will before the sale ends so yeah :upside_down_face:

nvm, its just a regular deck without the cutout :confused:

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@murdomeek They are selling it with the cut out and the enclosure for $250. Just the blank deck is on sale right now for about $95

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yeah I though they were selling cutout deck only (without enclosure)

guess not :confused:

Alright. I pulled the trigger. Let’s come up with an enclosure :thinking:


@ryansinatra they ship quick!

Bottom is flat in the center and curves away quickly.
The deck is 12.25mm thick in all areas


Really stoked on this! Been wanting one of these for awhile. I guess now I have my deck and my motors for my winter build all set :slight_smile: since the neo hubs from @jeffwuneo can use any trucks, once I decide on those I’ll have my whole drivetrain set :pray:

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