Boardnamics M1 Gear Drive + Other News

Yeah well sensors work 100% of the time and as long as you route the wires properly they don’t break that often.

I will never be using anything but sensored/hybrid mode until ass or hfi is perfect start 100% of the time.

Lots of red lights, lots of stop signs. Smooth start is part of what makes esk8 great


Holy crap! Is that 1500 pulleys aka 750 pairs? That’s a lot of pulleys.


When Kevin was making the order:


Exactly. City riding needs 100% smooth startup every single time.


I recently got my HFI dialed in and I’ve had plenty smooth starts, even on some inclines
granted I don’t get 100% perfect starts, but a quick shimmy shimmy and i’mm off


@Boardnamics When’s the site overhaul and changes? Looking forward to making an order :slight_smile:

And the motor hole patterns are only for 44mm for the M1? Was hoping there was for 30mm too but I’ll make due if so… Just don’t know what motors to even use if the shafts are too small.

This can get you killed riding in Manhattan


almost anything anywhere can at my weight and speed :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Sensors take up space that can be filled with copper, and are very unreliable, and not needed at any speed except 0.00km/h, and sometimes, not even then.

Better question is why do you want to take up stator space with a fragile sensor board?

Having a temp sensor on the windings isn’t bad though

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@Geo_Engineering_FTW The SurfRodz TKP adapters are a one-off run but I have around 30 left.

The 6384 motors will be sensored. I asked for unsensored but apparently that wasn’t an option? Strange, it would be less labor/materials

The good news is I will have 140kv, 170kv, and 190kv available :smiley:

@Flashgod224 Middle of April I am hoping

There is something like 65 boxes arriving at the same time so I really hope Fedex doesn’t blow it.


I fear that we will never agree on the whole sensors thing. That’s okay, each to their own opinion. Personally I’m happy they will be offered sensored. Weird that they didn’t have an unsensored option, but hey, I suppose it is just a rebrand anyway

Nice to have all those options state side though!


Lmao why not both. Cmon man you’re nitpicking


You think the hecial drive would be recommended for urethane wheels ? Or it’s only for AT wheels ?

It’s really about how much noise you want coming from your board. All other performance characteristics are the same. (helical should be ever so slightly less efficient. Maybe 1-2%)

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Got some 184s in that batch? :grin::grin:

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I got 145s, 170s, 184s, 220s, and 270s in this batch


Oh that’s sexy :drooling_face: Why is 184 still a legacy length? 185 or 190 seems like it would be more in theme

For the Caliber idler mounts can we put a note in to have the clamps swapped for the precision 1 piece clamp or is there a better way to get it?

A note is ok. More of those on the way as well


Are they not in this shipment?