Beginner Question Thread! 2023 Edition

alien snot is green but i didn’t know loctite was too. red is the legit shit, blue is for applications that eventually might need to be taken back apart. :ok_hand: :clap:

Stupid question, rotated the lipos to where the plugs are facing the back instead of the front Can I still plug in the lipos the same way I had it as they were before or it’s reversed now?

The plugs are polarized, you should be good to go regardless of the orientation

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Alright perfect, thank you

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Same size pins so presumably the Mr60 and Mt60 have the same current capacity, ya? I’ve used the Mr’s several time and quite like them but the Mt’s are more conducive to using a braided sleeve. Who’s got experience with the Mt’s? @b264 I think you’ve used them if memory serves…

I almost only use MT60 and never use MR60 unless it comes on something.

AMA I guess

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Ever had any issues w heat? What general tips can u give me about this connector?

Hot glue or silicone in the backside kinda waterproofs it, they’re easier to heat shrink, no heat issues.

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What is the best anti spark switch one can get?

What are the criteria
Loopkeys are pretty good

Just 12s and somthing like 12mm switch or something like that
I do have a loopkey at the moment, just want something a little cleaner

I think there’s a decent flipsky 200A one. I’ve used it on a couple builds but they’re 10S.

I think it was this…?

Was a while back tho. Might be a new one which is better now.

somehow this one isn’t listed anywhere

I’ve been running the Flipsky one @rosco linked above for a while and it’s been flawless.


I’m back again with another question. So I got my board back together, with a new battery setup which is 10s 8000mAh batteries. I did keep the same settings that I had with my old 4500mAh setup besides changing the rating for the batteries. I used to have very good throttle when accelerating, i couldn’t even reach the very top of the trigger cuz it took off like a rocket, today I brought it out for a ride and I have the remote trigger maxed out, doesn’t accelerate that much. Do I need to recalibrate the motors possibly since it’s maybe in the 4500mAh setup? I’m running a VX1 with a 4.12 Flipsky VESC

Quick question, what does everyone consider a good/cheap price for belts? :thinking: I bought a bunch at $2 a piece from overseas, but I’d love to know if they can be bought for even cheaper. I was buying motor pulleys and wanted to help justify the $6 shipping cost so I bought some belts I needed more of and some lengths that I just don’t have yet

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How can I connect my hoyt puck to the MakerX DV6 Pro? there are no obvious ports on the esc and no easy to follow instructions on the internet…

Receiver plugs into the three pin jst with GND, 5V and PWM


The receiver is labelled GND, CH and C7 on the back of the PCB. CH being red, C7 white. Am i right to assume CH goes to 5V?

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Installed one last weekend but can’t remember looking at that sorry. Expect Black is gnd, red 5v and white is PWM signal.

Think I just plugged it in with the connector thing it came with :joy:

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