did you program in mode 3?
It looks like your potentiometer is damaged. We sell replacements here for a diy fix
Or if your puck is still under warranty or you have another question please email us at hoytskate@hoytskate.com
I love my Z mote and have a replacement (an upgrade even) in the mail from Kamen but I dropped mine and it stopped working so I’ve been using the puck for the time being.
I’m pretty confident that I did but it may be worth another attempt to make sure.
That was my initial thought
That probably should’ve been my initial thought, thanks!
Impossible, only pucks can break when dropped
I was dropped at 2 years old and I’m not completely broken
This explains a lot.
Motion to have your title changed to ‘dropped at birth’
I wanna keep this one. It’s an excuse for me to be an asshole.
i think the new title still allow u to do the same
might get you a closer parking space at the grocery store too…in addition to the asshole thing.
I park in the ‘parents with prams’ spaces
Did you just bounce back up?
I use Loctite anaerobics like this:
I use the red one where I had problems with the blue one (especially the screws that attach the mount to the truck).
As I am not a genius I prefer to share it with you, is this correct? If not, do you have any advice?
Everything you marked blue i also use blue.
Everything you marked red i use blue.
That’s how i have it. Problem free since 2019, never did it differently and never had a bolt come loose. Ymmv.
On purple I can’t comment since I don’t use shoulder bolts and don’t want to give tip that might get you hurt.
interesting, I need to check my blue threadlocker bottle. Thanks
Let others maybe chime in as well. I can imagine that not everyone agrees with how i do it.
Half of those should be nylock anyway and not even need loctite.
I’m with @xsynatic, blue for everything.
look at all the pretty colors.
Blue should be sufficient for all those, if it’s failing on you, try being careful about surface prep. Clean and degrease both sides of the threaded connection, and scuff them up a little with scotchbrite if possible.
I personally would use Loctite 290 for all of these. Very, very tiny amount on the shoulder bolts threads or even 243 instead.
But I also wouldn’t use the shoulder bolts, these trucks have real axles now you can probably buy. And if I got those axles, I’d use epoxy on the threads as permanent threadlocker.