Beginner Question Thread! 2023 Edition

Are you optimizing for battery lifetime, range, or performance?

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But really I would like to try performance first, with a dash of battery lifetime.

Not much in the hopes for range…

30A battery max (15A + 15A) should be in the right zone

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Ok… Now bear with me…

I can’t remember on the Vesc App for a Unity is the setting for a Unity should be out in as 15 per side for 30.

Or as 30 for 30 Total…

As long as you are running vesc firmware (5.2, 5.3, etc) then it’s amps per side (15A in your case). If using the older unity firmware then it’s combined, but I’m not even sure if the vesc app works with the old firmware.


no vecs doesn’t work on fw23.46 (old-latest unity fw)


So I have it right here.
I always struggle to remember this one…

I have a few set ups still running on 23.64 and to manage those I have to use the Focbox UI app.

They do not work with the Vesc App.


Can someone tell me what the “ABS Tacho” value means in the vesc tool mobile app? Its at 9 and not sure what it means?

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It’s worse than the ABS Burritho that you definitely don’t wanna fuck with


or the IBS versions :face_with_spiral_eyes:

stands for tachometer, which is a device that use to measure rotation speed (rpm) of either a shaft or disk

in vesctool, ABS usually means absolute

idk what it does tho, so don’t ask me :joy:

By that logic… His absolute rpm is 9?

It’s labeled tachometer, but is it? You can’t trust labels in VESC.

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Ive got BN press fit pulley’s and the bearings they use are 7mm width - my question is can i use 6mm width bearing in them without any trouble? - all the other dimensions are the same (22mm OD 10mm ID), just the width is slightly less. Looking at these bearings specifically


I’m not certain what will happen if you use 1mm thinner bearings. You might have to add a washer or two to compensate. However, if you’re in the US, Fast Eddy sells some 10x22x7 bearings:


It’s the cumulative erpms since power on. Even if the motor hasn’t spun there may still be a value there as the newer firmware sends a short pulse to the motor upon boot. It will also count manual rotations of the motor.

So it’s an odometer that’s labeled as a tachometer.

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An ABSolute odometer lol

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I think I figured it out. I switched on this morning and it’s 10… Looks like a count of how many times the esc has been switched on since it was last updated.

Will check again when I leave work to see if it’s 11

Just to clarify, there are two cumulative tachometers that the VESC logs.

tachometer = cumulative erpms since power up. Forward adds, reverse subtracts.

tachometer_abs (ABS Tacho) = cumulative erpms since power up as an absolute value. Both forward and reverse adds to it.

It’s not technically an odometer since that’s defined as:

odometer is an instrument used for measuring the distance traveled by a vehicle”

It’s adding up the total electrical rotations of the motor, and while that value is used to calculate distance, it also needs motor poles, gearing and wheel sizes. It’s not a measurement of distance as it is.