Beginner Question Thread! 2023 Edition

I haven’t personally tried it, i just run current mode full beans, but the erpm limit seems like a great option

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Yes, but you can adjust your ramp time settings so that reverse kicks in sooner. Or do the ERPM change @glyphiks mentioned :ok_hand:

I do similar. Have it sent to full current bidirectional and use Profiles to set a reverse speed limit (mine is at 4mph currently).


How would I get started in racing? Anyone have tips for technique, gear setup, etc? I don’t really know where to start with this.


What VESC exist and how do I pick the best one for me?

Master @frame.b022 made a list a while back:

Your choice is really up to your needs, ride style, and battery voltage. Oh yeah, budget too haha.

Do you already have a battery? If so, make sure your esc is rated to operate safely at that voltage.

Do you need to pull lots of amps to get going because you’re super fat or ride lots of hills? If so, make sure the esc you’re choosing can handle the amps.

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Ahhh thank you very much!

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I’ve been too busy with work lately and then I come back and see that all the regular threads are gone. What happened?? my profile still has the regular badge on it so I’m very confused :fearful:

Shows you as member as opposed to a regular :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

it is right here tho? :sob: I’ve been reading the new threads every other day or daily but just haven’t had anything to reply to on most of them

am I going to have to bribe @longhairedboy to fix it? I think the system makes you wait to get it back if it is gone

A badge just means you got it once, like an achievement. When you click on my profile, notice it says regular? Your’s says member.


It still says regular for me on the little profile window too

Same spot it shows up on yours too.

I might just have broken the site a bit. I tend to accidentally do that more and more as I continue to refuse to upgrade my windows :rofl:

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Thats just showing the badge, not the trust level

You’ll lose your regular trust level if you don’t maintain a quota


I just realized that it looks different when I view my own profile :upside_down_face: :person_facepalming:so the trust level tag isn’t there when I look at it.

It should be

Make sure to hit expand when viewing your profile, it should show it then.

it only shows up if you hit this button which I did not notice???

I ended up figuring that out but somehow didn’t figure out that I need to hit reply after typing my reply :rofl:


If I swap two phase cables for better cable management, do I need to redo the whole FOC detection process?

Motors are now attached to gear drives, with dried loctite and I’d prefer to avoid…

There is no sensor on this motor.

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@DavidC No problem. And no need to change anything in motor detection parameters, IF SENSORS ARE NOT INVOLVED.

You may have to change motor direction anyway.

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@DavidC Thank you very much!