I’m waiting for someone to make the battery deck. I see battery making stuff on Alibaba.com
A lot easier than a car
Back on topic, these are pretty cool.
A nice size. Won’t take forever to make a battery and with the needed power in maybe even 2-3p. If only were a bit more powerful.
A 1p cell would be ideal.
If running at 18A, under 15A recommended for cruising, I agree.
Be sure to take their lower voltage into account. You’ll need a higher s-count to make up for that, taking away some of the advantage of that high capacity.
Yea I know I’m swamped in lifepo4. Buy my cells please
You’re selling great model cells. Hope you find a buyer!
You tried on ES?
At this point it’s hard for me to find good applications for these gigantic cells
I made a 12s6p pack for a friend with them and it’s massive, I can’t imagine building another one though, his setup is quite unique.
Yea I have an ad there. And rcgroups. N here. And eBay sometimes. I’m surprised and thought id make a profit but at this point trying to break even forgetting my work put in extracting n shipping.
Buy my cells
But will last like forever n won’t blow up. I think I’ve ruined like half my ion packs easily.
yeah but they’re too big and not enough capacity for most boards
Glue them all together n call it the new Tesla deck
I just bought a bunch more resin for potting cells. Especially w lifepo4 lasting so long seems ideal and could make a structure. Maybe even add some fiberglass
I had nothing but troubles with those cells, 6AH BH cells, bought 100 of them and about 30 were shipped below 2.5v (14 below 1.5v) and the capacity variance was so bad on the cells at shipped @ 3.2v I dont even have words.
I found this thread googling for these modules. I know this is off-topic for this forum (maybe), but do you know if these modules would be good for an off-grid home? I’m looking at buying 35 of them for 72KwH of storage. It’s unclear to me which cells are used in these packs? Any thoughts/advice?
Id get the lifepo4 cells. I dont know what modules ur talking about
Check out the post he replied to.
I sent in a request for the text from the authors with my university login, will let you know if they get back to me
Edit: oops just saw the other sciencedirect link nvm
For some reason I am not able to include links in my post…They are the samsung-ev-lithium-ion-12s-44-4v-47ah-2-07kwh-module from battery hookup
Yes lifepo would be great but I can get 72Kwh of these cells for $7000 shipped. I need more of an explanation to get lifepo as the cheapest I’ve found for that amount of storage is around $10k
Those automotive battery “modules” (not “packs,” a battery pack refers to the full assembly of all the modules, module interconnects, BMS(s), charge controller, etc.) are made using “prismatic” battery cells. A vast majority of automotive batteries are made of prismatic cells, with Tesla being the main exception. In fact, even Tesla is moving to prismatic cells for their Model 3 cars produced for the Chinese domestic market.
“Prismatic cells” are any cells which are made in a rectangular prism shape, rather than a “cylinder” cell (18650, 21700, etc), or a “pouch” cell (many hobby RC “Li-Po” batteries, phone batteries, small electronics batteries, etc). Prismatic cells are made with a rigid metal case, unlike pouch cells, though they often require compression like pouch cells.
A massive amount of R&D goes into prismatic cells, and accordingly they have extremely impressive specs. My day job is for a company which sells automotive batteries, and I am the head of EV battery re-sale, cataloging and selling our massive stock of EV batteries, many of which are prismatic cells. It’s a very impressive format.
@Fosterqc has posted a couple different cells in this thread. No money for u.
@hummmingbear i don’t know if u know about setting up the Vesc but u have motor and battery amp settings and at 0-low speeds u are relying on the motor amp setting for amps which isn’t relying on the amperage produced directly by the battery. It’s kinda like a transformer and u can get high amps without needing a high amp capable battery at those low speeds/duty cycle. I don’t know what the limits here would be but u might not suffer from voltage sag much till higher speeds owing to this.

@Fosterqc has posted a couple different cells in this thread. No money for u
You replied to a @hummmingbear post that mentioned a module, asking which module he was referring to. But @hummmingbear’s post was a reply to a @Fosterqc post linking to a module. That is the only module that @hummmingbear would have been referring to.