Battery nickel strip size help

I’m looking for help building my battery. I’m making a 12s4p out of molicel 42a cells and I’m using dual torqueboards 6355 motors and a unity for the esc. What size nickel strips do I need to use I was planning on either 1 or 2 layers of 0.15x10mm strips will this be enough?

Depends on the layout, if you use a PCB then that’s fine, if you have the series/parallel as a single straight section that will melt


Don’t know what you mean by use a PCB but my pack will look like this Link

Ehh it’s probably just fine, there are definitely ways to do it with that

What do pcbs do for the batteries?

hold them and the current


If you are going to build the pack exactly like that eboosted pack, one piece or .15 is sufficient for parallel connections, since series connections with silicone wire will carry that current