i’ve decided to start working on my eovan board and getting it up and running again. i’m looking for a 12s4p battery and am unsure as to where to buy one. I know a load of people are going to say make one but I’d much rather avoid being in the news for making a battery bomb. I had looked at mboards a little while ago however I saw a comment on this forum somewhere saying “they make batteries but don’t know how to make batteries” or something along those lines. does anyone have any experience buying batteries from mboards?
I have let the magic smoke out of every battery except the 3 I got here https://skyartpower.com member @Skyart . however I haven’t tried any other battery makers here of which are surely on par with his and I tend to shill for them.I think all of the ones Haven recommended are great. I beat mine , like going camping with ike turner, the steepest hills in the sf Bay Area . 35 mile rides that gain/loose 2800’ of altitude,44 mph. they will not die, im 235 in all my gear(gear nazi,fragile old man,pussy, my purse must weigh 10 lbs) with the horror stories of battery fires’ dont skimp. Good luck . if you are looking for 12s5p in a case, dm me
Im not a fan of of the pcb mounted battery kits just because they seem bulky but from a quality of build perspective their stuff looks good. I haven’t gotten to take any apart and look at the quality of the construction but the clear shrink on them is in my opinion a good sign. You can’t hide poor construction and external daly bms makes any maintenance or repairs a lot easier.
When I did it, I had to use flat braid to get clearance. Also, only one single layer of fishpaper all around. Siliconed it into the deck for vibration resistance
Ok, on the topic of mboards, i been looking at cables n shit for between enclosures. Found this on mboards, and i am a dumb dumb, but something about this just seems wrong to me