Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

oh i thought i need to flash the bootloader through an st link or something
so do i just go to bootloader press it and then press update firmware?

updated image

yeah thanks got it
thanks a lot

just last time i flashed the bootloader i needed to solder another vesc to it through liek 3 different cables

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so i did setup on my motors and 1 motor weird values

very high uh and mohms

also when i spin that motor it makes a weird clicking noise what could be the issue with it

when i turn by hand it turns fine and spins very easily when i spin with the remote

Dude, just buy something off ebay local. They’re really not a fortune and they get there in 2 days mostly.
Plus, from aliexpress expect what you pay for in solder quality…


In these days… :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
People sell their stuff so overpriced and some people really seem to have heard nothing about a pandemic virus…
So far I’m more happy with AliExpress shopping than with local deals ^^ but yeah, delivery time is awful and you’re right, I’ll admit!

By the way, off topic, is this a cell name?..

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What’s the maximum current for 14awg?

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so maybe soemone could help

first issue is that on my carvons when you try ride it makes a massive krrrrrrrrrrrr noise as you accelarate
i believe a magnet is cracked how should i fix if it is
also that motor has double the resistance of the other

will be opening the motor later

also when i turn the remote off but leave the loopkey in the motors spin full throttle as soon as the remote comes on it is fine

Most likely one phase/coil is almost burned. Best bet is to carefully remove the circlip and take the can off to inspect. Best second bet is to order a replacement motor from now, assuming you see all the magnets in good condition

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Yup, I’d get in touch with Jerry right away.


would love to sadly he doesnt exist

i cant see any damage to magnets but will send pics soon

could be a bad bearing or the wheel as that noise never happened before

Anyone know what bearings flipsky use for their motors?
Specifically 6355, the bearing you see on the exterior.
One motor is 100% fixed and fine and the other one i can move a liiitle bit, but that causes vibrations at max rpm and i can hear some kind of grinding when free-rolling

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So gonna open both motors since I can’t work out which motor it’s from
I will sen epic sin 5 min maybe someone can help

You have a bluetooth module. Connect to it and use controls (with remote off!) To control individual motors.
Or just take a belt off and go for a ride, return, swap belts, go again…

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First motor

Second motor

Anything visibly wrong or something that I should be checking

Everything spins fine and freely with wheels on
With wheels off they make a bit of a weird noise
When I reach around 10-15mph they start going krrrrrrr

It’s direct drive and I haven’t downloaded the app yet since it’s not on iOS
Gonna borrow my mums phone to download it

Can someone please link the current best Android app for the LTT smart BMS? Seems like there are 4 or 5 out there, and I could use a hand.

It’s the xiaoxiang BMS one.

It… leaves room for improvement.

There are other versions you can find the apk for on sketchy chinese websites in case you’ve got a burner phone you use to check your battery voltage like me, but YMMV.

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so confirmed motor 2 with can 1 is the issue
can anyone see anything wrong or how can i test to see what the issue is?
thank you very much

can i wash and thoroughly dry the motor can in order to clean out all the muck in it