Apex Boards - UK Storefront

Congratulations to you guys. This is a big step and I see you guys coming up the ranks fast! Great products, awesome content and super nice dudes.

That’s a recipe for success in my book. :metal:t5:


I dunno man… that @Lee_Wright dude can be a bit of a jerk sometimes


Beef jerky? :fire:


100% British we are told…


Time for a lot of free advertising for y’all :joy: ordering apex airs and some other stuff the moment these release… Everyone loves free advertising… Right?


Its so impressive how much yall have been able to accomplish. I identify with the struggle, for sure. Trying to build something from nothing is really hard, especially when trying to compete with the giants out there.

Its amazing to me how supportive this community is of us little guys trying to build something new and special :grin: I aspire to one day be as successful and awesome as yall!


I’m about to block you motherfuckers and your incredibly beautiful parts I can’t afford…
And want sooooo bad…



@BenjaminF we have a few months on you. As Q said we have invested every single penny back into this venture, everything has been paid for by selling other stuff, batteries for Trampa boards gave us a huge boost in the beginning :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Have a teaser for the trucks

Just a little thing we filmed recently whilst out testing and evaluating and we thought it was worth sharing.


Creates next-generation all-electric personal vehicles…

…still uses film…

LoL.z   wat



Damnit I’m pumped for this. I hope they can handle high speeds too.


The audacity to put such cinematic music on something as simple as a skateboard truck release teaser! Who are you, Apple? :laughing:

Fantastic video gents, the hype is real!


I know, right? :smile:

I’m such a twat :laughing:

@DANGItsVictor how high is high speed? I’ve done 34MPH on them. You can make these as stiff as you like bro… I have a funny story about testing these with @RipTideSports Krank 96a chubby and fat cone…

When we first made the prototypes we sought council with Brad at Riptide on what we should be looking at and we decided to get some different duros and shapes from the Krank range. Upon receiving the bushing dev pack I decided that as I’m a big guy I’ll put the stiffest bushings in and work back. I put a 96a chubby board side and a 96a Fatcone road side all round. Now bear in mind there are 4 bushings so that’s a lot of bushing engagement… I strapped into my board in my garage and came out of my garage and down my driveway, I went to turn right into the road and had the strangest sensation… the board didn’t turn at all, I just tipped over :smile:. Decided that 96a was too hard and as you will see we found that a nice big soft bushing board side is best for most. You can go from that stiffness all the way to what you see Q doing there and even looser if you want. This the beauty of using longboard bushings, especially Riptide Krank that give you even more control over response with how tight you run them and that’s why we have partnered with Riptide to bring these out


Hey Lee! I can’t wait to fuck around and find the right duro for my riding style. I’m fuckin pumped man. Well, for high speeds I have spots where I hit 44mph on tarmac and 32mph off-road. What these are going on is a dual sport build I did to commute to work/fuck around in trails and hit balls out speeds when I’m feeling stupid. So I’m looking for trucks that can do it all my dude! I have high hopes for yours.

I actually don’t mind the current setup but I hate that the matrix II trucks aren’t really precision trucks. It’s worrisome but I’ve had no real issues yet. They’ll be moving to my other built though, or maybe some moon trucks on that one (we shall see) but yours are gonna be on my main board


kph or mph


Mph man


wow thats fast

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I’m stupid. And come from a racing background


Have we talked about the comfort that these provide? My striking first impression when first riding these trucks is how comfortable they are. For me it was like going from thane to Pneumatics for the first time. There’a a farm trail up for my house that is compressed chalky surface with big gravel chunks which used to get a bit much on regular channels.
Now I just breeze up there and wonder what all the fuss was. Here’s a clip from what is admittedly a smoother section.


So sweet man! I love it.

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