Apex Boards - UK Storefront

Well hello new friend.

@ApexBoards the videos are awesome, looks like a really polished piece of work!


Hola! What’s up my dude

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Bruh I pee a little going over 20 off road


I only do that on the harder packed trails. Loose sand gets scary af man

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Put this on the website somewhere as a loading icon :rocket: :circus_tent:

Spoiler: he does 14 full circles before puking




definitely did more than 14 circles whilst trying to get this shot



“Just do it again please mate”



Honestly, this turning radius is awesome


Want to know the best thing? Q was only running a carvy setup in the front… the back still had the regular setup. We were filming how to change the bushings and so we only put double cones in the front and voilà. I don’t even want to know how that thing would turn with cones all round


This makes a lot of sense to me. I run my Hypertrucks with blue bushings (softest) in the front and white (medium) in the rear, so I can split the difference between stable at speed and turny. I am also a big fan of split angles on trucks for the same reason.

Have any of yall done testing with a split bushing setup like this, or do most of yall keep them pretty symmetrical?


Have y’all done testing with other shapes from riptide as well? I’d be interested in some sort of bushing pack to run through a ton of different options

@Andy87 runs split bushing setups within each truck! Not sure if we’ve done anything split between front and rear. Most of our testing has been off road tbh through the winter.

We fully understand that there will be lots of things that we haven’t thought of and we expect that once the community get these they may find awesome stuff about them.

@DANGItsVictor we have a load of different shapes and duros, you will be able to buy the trucks with say a “medium” bushing pack installed and an extra “carve” bushing pack. Each bushing pack is 4 bushings so that will give you 8 different bushings for 4 spots. Our next order at Riptide will be more comprehensive once we have had a wider pool of riders shredding these


Sounds good man. :metal:t5:

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Thats awesome Lee, these trucks are so cool and I cant wait to see how the community receives them :grin:

Can I ask, what is your preferred bushing setup for the kind of riding you do?


My preferred bushing setup is our “medium” bushing pack. That is Red Fatcone boardside and green cone road side. I find this setup is a good all rounder and allows me to run it loose enough for general street riding or tighter for jumping/off road.

Here I’m riding medium

And here

And on this video there are some nice slow mo shots in the skatepark on medium


don’t know about the other guys but i always run different setup front / back. Im finding that having a softer duro board side gives a smoother ride. this is why both our medium and soft settups have red fatcones board side. Usually i have been running the same colours in the front and back but using different shapes in the front to keep the steering control.

But since testing this odd combo for the video i started playing more with different durometers front and back.

I actually did some testing previously running different duros in diagonal combinations which seems to have a similar feeling to adding angled risers.

Running the diagonal combo in one orientation made it turn a lot for very little lean like a DKP but the other orientation made it so you have to lean loads to get a little steering.

At the time i only ran them like this with symmetric front and back setup, but i bet by reversing the rear bushings you could create kinda artificial split angles.

I feel like were only scratching the surface with the combinations we have tested. i cant wait to have more people riding these and trying new combinations that we haven’t even thought of .

As of today current setup is:
white barrels front boardside
green cones front roadside
red chubbys rear boardside
green barrels rear roadside


Not to be intrusive, but this information would be much better with a body weight included, preferably in any units but stones.



Dont you know? I’m 110KG of great British beef bro.