Abyss | TB Rocket 33 | 12s3p p42a | BN220 | BN Belt | FS6368

Parents own the apartment, and they’re gonna send us a fat bill. And I love most of my neighbors except for the old woman who yells at us for nonexistent problems. Fuck you Helen.

Its an investment in your future :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh absolutely, but I need space to sleep too.

Dragon and night hawk knew it. You need bunks

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Gonna take this literally, I already have a bunk :joy:. Had two beds and convinced the other resident in my room to switch to a bunk

For reference, here’s my room. That small table with shit on it is my workbench.


I feel like you, me, and several others here, would benefit massively from one of those boxes with gloves built in that tv doctors always use.


Get ready for a absolutely genius plan

So the screw it has now M8, the clearance diameter for M8 is 8.5mm, the tap diameter for M10 is also 8.5mm, which means if you tap half of the clamp to M10 you can remove the nut all together, just make sure to use red loctite when you assemble it


This is too big for my brain. Isn’t this what the BN Precision clamps kinda do anyways?

Yeah, but you don’t have to wait a month to do it

That just translates to “rethread it but more better,” right?

This battery is third in my queue. It’s gonna be at least a month anyways🥲

That’s pretty much it

22lb, sexy as fuck, and almost done. Still have like 0 ground clearance from the motor mount screws. But apart from that it’s almost rideable.


large thane

It’d be too high off the ground tbh. I’m happy with this.

Yeah id just be worried about popping a mount loose :rofl:
Big Z up there had the best idea, honestly. Drill out the topside of the mount wider and rethread the bottom side, and use a wider bolt. Voila!

first ride report
its too powerful at 80 motor/50 battery per side. duhhh. Lowered it to 60/30 and its still fast and fun :sunglasses:

-one of the motor mount clamps got loose. Oops. Fixed it mid ride and kept going
-that dumb ass screw that sticks out from the clamp kept getting caught on shit and is extra broken. lol
-MY FEEEEET. I think I’m gonna have some 90mm wheels soon, so we’ll see what that does for comfort. you win @Kai
-I live in NYC. NYC streets hate shortboards

The good:
-Why is it so powerful?
-Pretty good range all things considered
-The concave makes it really easy to control
-I hit like 24mph on it with loose ass bushings. Pretty stable IMO.

^loose motor mount


You could always use foam grip. Or if you wanna do some science for me, sorbothane is top notch at vibration dampening. Cags ain’t too bad with foam grip. You should try riding cags on an aluminum deck. Fuckin hurts, bro.


Got some ollin popocas en route.

There’s the screw lmao. At this rate I won’t have to Dremel it off myself.


Can you not reverse that screw/mount so that the longer, exposed bit faces the other way?