6389 x 8 | quad unity/stormity | 12s/18s tattu | RedEmber 44

The start up torque is going to be much better with gears, along with the whole drivetrain being much more compact. You might want to look into Mod1.5 gears which are the same one Moe uses.

Speaking of moestooge style, I am well aware that ultimately, 2 chuncky inrunners could surpass these 8 motors.

I was so close to going the inrunners route, and then I saw @CiscoV had titanium pulleys on a build and discovered that lacroix was selling parts.


I don’t think you have seen me punch it from a dead stop.

4 belts transmit power pretty well. With enough losses to probably keep me from spinning Tires.


Chunky inrunners and 8s are my next “Upgrade” the torque allowed from them is unmatched and they can be placed in any configuration since the cam does not rotate. I think it would be relatively easy for you to do, as long as you have 4s or 8s lipo’s.

:100: percent correct one that :crazy_face:

No doubt, but with gears you might as well do them the first time around instead of building the whole system for belts and then upgrading to Gears later on :smiley: The belt torque would literally send you flying from a dead stop if you punched the throttle on 8wd!

This board is going to be sick either way! I can’t wait to see some clips of this on the streets :love_you_gesture:t3:

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This is a good experiment. You’ll learn a lot. If it ends up being bad; 4x 70120s, nuff said.
Reterminate for lower kv or just embrace the 90mph.


Right, part of this was taking time to laser cut plates for a two motor gear box (probably @Janux-esk8, he’s close, he deals with one off projects occasionally, has gearboxes).

I can bolt on 4 or 8 motors right now with parts on hand. I wanted to see what that weight would feel like. I’m still in limbo about trucks.


I like these guys and their deal. But I’m laptopless except for the MS tablet I use exclusively for vesc tool (:roll_eyes:)

Can anyone make any app recommendations that can manage these files on an iPad Pro with pencil?)


I messed with a Shapr3D demo a while back and don’t know why it wouldn’t fit your needs.

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The weight of this board is gonna be insane :crazy_face: I’m estimating at least 70 pounds… We have to ride once both of our boards are up :love_you_gesture:t3:

That was my default if I didn’t get any feed back

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At least I know they fit.

Where are my pulleys michael? @mboards.


He’s not on the forum because he would get straight-up murdered here.


I know, I like to @people anyways.

I tripped and fell into a bin of small sharp parts after taking that pic. Landed on my dumb wrist, probs should still be wearing that splint.


You should get that checked out by a medical doctor instead of these esk8 goons :grin:


Add in about 5 more lbs for escs pulleys and other misc

Just thinking out loud.


@ahrav what are you doing with so many motors?

(The other 4 are boxed up still)


Uhhhh I tend to hoard motors. Because I’m my head I tell myself I’ll eventually use them…

Tbh I ordered 4 6396 back in the end of Jan and well they kept getting pushed back so I said fuck it I’m tired of waiting and got some from @mackann instead. And then they all showed up within 15 mins of each other. So now I have 8.

EDIT: Well technically I have 12, 8 6396 and 4 6374


Only 62lb’s??? I was expecting Klaus Bajaboard heavy… That’s pretty light for 8 motors :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

@ahrav As I said before… I’m always open for purchasing more motors :rofl:

Nurse here hows your wrist doing? Also for your next build you should make a tracked eskate for us boys and girls up north here.

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I would not do that. Maybe use HFI set at like Sensorless ERPM HFI: 750erpm

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