6374 is too small

That’s what I’m trying to build. A monster

just so you know i think you should try and be realistic about your goals.

I am a big lad and i had a 12s4p board with 6374 motors and 5:1 for a long time. I hit full throttle often but i never met a hill i couldn’t get up. The limiting factor on that setup was the battery. Under full power it would sag to the low voltage limit even from full.

I would recommend a bigger battery if your serious about getting more power.


Those are QS motors for Scooters, probably the smallest one with 1000 Watt (in Reality over 3500 Watt constant)

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12S4P 30Q is a 2500W nominal continuous pack, so your entire setup can’t even push more than 1250/motor. I’d reccomend going 15S4P with a spintend and using flipsky 140kv motors or just upping the P count.


The size of your motor doesn’t really matter as long as its not overheating or limiting the Motor current because of internal resistance. If you are running Unitys your Maximum motor current probably is around 80A. A 6355 on 80A has the same power as a 6396 on 80A its just the the bigger one can handle the current for longer. A bigger motor wouldn’t increase your power if you don’t also upgrade the ESC.
Additionally the battery also needs to be able to supply the needed power.


What esc can i upgrade to then?

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Stormcore 100D


Just gonna double down on what these fellows said.


Got it. Thanks. I know what I’m gonna do now.

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Also the kv of the motor tells its torque per amp so if u get four 80mm motors with double the kv of four 63mm motors you’ll need double the amps to get the same torque, and you have the esc amp limits stopping that. Get the kv that paired with the gearing gets you to a reasonable max speed. The higher the max speed the lower the torque.

There aren’t many options of kv in 80mm motors. I had some custom wound ones I found on Alibaba or there’s Leopard.

Especially with an off-road wheel snd being able to fit a bigger gear ratio you can get away with a smaller motor.

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I must be, got 4x 6880s on deck


I must be, got 4x 6880s on deck. Hahahaha
Got pictures?

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get 2 unities from Massive stator webshop and connect them via Can Bus wire. Ask Lee Wright or @longhairedboy for 4wd Unity config

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Very nice


Tell @Psychotiller he came up with this creation.
I definitely feel like I compensated for something else :joy:


I’m sure i don’t need to make my own CAN cables. Eh?


No. Fuck no. Stop telling people that.

Buy a Xenith


I’m cool with you recommending that if you send me $275 refund for the focing unity I never got

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