3D Printing Discussions, Questions and Debugging

This video my help.

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Just updated prusa slicer and I adore the little Clippy assistant dressed up as Josef Prusa


Looking for some feedback on my (first) benchy if anyone has pointers. In general the surface of the hull seems pretty nice to me, very small amount of visible difference between the layers is the only thing jumping out at me. There are also some thin hairlike strings, but Tbf the filament is PETG that’s been left out in my room for months

The bigger weird strings in parts of the cabin overhang are what I’m more curious about. I’ve recently changed to a dual geared extruder and re-set a couple of things like esteps and removing heat-damaged end of the Bowden tube, after several months of the printer not doing anything. Retraction was set previously at 6mm, this is the first print since I moved it back down to 3mm so maybe that’s the issue?

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The bigger strings on the cabin aren’t technically strings, but rather a stack of blobs. Basically it has to do with extruder ooze during travel moves - the nozzle will end up with a little blob of oozed plastic, and then it’ll get mushed on top of the one before it during repetitive travel moves on sequential layers.


Huh thanks, it does look weirdly solid now that I look at it again. I did a little googling and it seems to be a case of adjusting retraction distance, speed, and move speed until finding the goldilocks zone, is there anything else obvious to try?

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Not that I can think of off hand. Drying the PETG can help a bit too with stringing and blobbing.


@Venom121212 you haven’t swapped the Fans on your ender 3, have you?

Can’t decide what route of fan brands i want to go.

Hotend and MB Fans are 24v
PSU is 12v rated, running at 15.5v

Only when one of my hotend fans died.

I read noctua all over the place for quiet fans but see so many brands promising how quiet they are.

Mine have definitely gotten louder with age. I can still barely hear them in the next room over if 4 or more printers are running.


This video might be well known, but I hadn’t seen it until recently and it’s helped me set up my printer immensely. I run the routine about once a week to ensure it’s still leveled perfectly. Ended lots and lots of frustration trying to level by eye and paper.

Also changed my Extrusion width to 0.56mm with a .4 tip. So 140%.

And as others have stated, 4 to 6 perimeters, 100% infill on items needing to be sturdy for Esk8. Supports - 3 perimeters and 30% infill. I also slow the first few layers down to help with adhesion.


I just really needed for someone else to see this.

Our man, Marco using not a cetus printer for once.

He printed pekk at the end.


Watched this last night, fun little video. Crazy that this thing can do PEKK but at the price it makes sense

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This is fairly old now but what was the purpose of the washers in the middle of the print/is there more info on this posted somewhere?

I’ve been on his patreon for ages because I love the bastard but I’m still always late to the party. Youtube doesn’t show me stuff quickly and I don’t pay enough attention to the stuff I’m paying for


I believe he used those to put the ice studs in


Modded Ender is finally up and running! Decided to go direct drive with a .6mm nozzle due to TPU’s limitations on print speed. Now to see if I can figure out how to glue TPU together… Print bed isn’t exactly big enough to print footpads.


First iteration - no spikes

Second iteration - w/ spikes for grip

Have since been testing mainly. They’ve been working really nicely. Actually borderline too good. I had to loosen my bindings way up to be able to slide out of them; otherwise my shoes would stick. @skate420 took them for a spin when we road some sweet sweet single track trails in her hood. She seemed to like them.

Washers give a more stable (i.e. steel vs tpu) mounting hole for the spikes


The spikes hold your foot in place really well! I didn’t use them with the bindings on but I imagine you could pretty well lock your foot in place with the combination of the two. Definitely something to try if you like super grip.


I just recently transferred all my Thingiverse models to Printables.com because, well, it’s better in just about every way, and I thought I’d turn it into a minor “call to action” post on here, because why the hell not. If you’ve got models up on Thingiverse and you don’t already have them on Printables too, well you should. They have a nifty automatic import tool and everything.

If you want, you can go check out what I’ve got up there, some of it is esk8-related, some of it is random other crap. Who knows, you might find something useful or interesting. I’ve got a bunch of other models in my Fusion 360 that I’ll probably throw up there later if I remember.


Fully agree. Thingiverse is hot trash, and has been for years.


I use thingiverse the most just because it lands on the top of searches and seems to have a big back catalog, is printables established long enough to have stuff on it and/or where else should I be searching? Mostly non skate related, just random home stuff or hobby electronics

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