3d printed boards

badass sounds good to me lol

ya sorry just got it rolling a few days ago and im no web guru

They’r not perspex thats acrylic they are mostly carbon fiber with a small lexxan “polycarbonate” clamp.

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Hey ive been following this thread for a min. I think you guys have a good product for the masses. But i thought i heard of you guys before but no it was a different company. Just wondering if there is any affiliation

No your correct that’s a different company, no affiliation. I just opened shop a few days ago but ive been into eboards for around 2 years.


I would be careful since you both share the same name and the same field.

Perspex is Acrylic, Lexxan is polycarbonate. big difference.

yah i became aware of that after i purchased my domain and site i kinda wish i would have picked a different name but oh well.

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Did you also used to do reviews?

A little friendly advice from your neighborhood gear tester. Fins someone who has been on the forums for a long time that isn’t a competing vendor but builds a lot of boards. Send them some gear with the understanding that they get the gear in order to test and review it. Then your not answering questions, the tester is. It’s independent and gets your gear noticed.


No this is my first dive into eboards on an internet level

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Thanks for your input have a great day!


Great idea thanks!


This is really good advice. If only we knew someone who builds a lot of boards and isn’t a competing vendor. Someone with an impressive beard would be good. Maybe in Alabama. Hmmm. I’ll think on it.


Lmao nice.

You lost me right there :joy:


'Bama boys: Maner and Sender.


Oh I know.
I meant to say I was agreeing with you up to that point.


Sorry. Me not smart sometimes.

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change it while ur still new
a new domain is a couple bucks and a few hours of work to transfer everything over. Worth avoiding a future lawsuit imo

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