3D printables for esk8

From what I’ve heard, Prusa mks3 is the golden child of 3d printing. Fresh out of the box perfect prints. I should kept mine but instead opted for CR10s pro and that’s been great as well though I went through some tough learning curves


Ive owned a CR-10 S5, an Ender 3, and a prusa i3 mk3s. Of the three, the prusa is by far my favorite. It is so amazing to be able to push a button and watch it work, no dicking around with anything.

I would say that if 3d printing (and specifically working on printers and tuning) is your hobby, then an ender 3 is a better value. But if you just want something that works when you push the go button, the Prusa is well worth the money.


I totally second that. I assembled mine and it worked straight away. I was actually really surprised by that since the assembly is far from trivial. It took me about a day to do it but the assembly instructions are very well written and easy to follow. Plus, it comes with a pack of haribo bears that you get to treat your self with after completing each part of the assembly. The assembly instructions make it clear that this is mandatory. :slight_smile:


Which one?

I bought mine assembled because I had had it up to here with working on 3d printers :joy:

Basically the whole reason I bought it is that I realized that I dont like 3d printing as a hobby. I think that 3d printing hobbyists, as a general rule, enjoy thw tuning and tinkering and whatnot that comes with keeping their machine running.

I realized that’s not for me haha

I use my 3d printer as a tool, and the same way that I dont want to have to fiddle and tinker with my hand drill to get a good hole in a piece of wood, i dont want to have to tinker with my 3d printer to get a good print.

The Prusa has (mostly) lived up to my expectations in that regard.


The sunlu one you linked!

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I recently got a sidewinder x1 V4(2020) purchased by work, for work but it’s gonna sit in my home untill the covid stuff is over. I wanted a printer that prints well right out of the box and bigger than my ender 3. Since work paid for it, I didn’t care that it was $420.

If I didn’t care about having a functional work printer right away, I would have purchased a https://www.3dprintersonlinestore.com/twotrees-sapphire-plus-3d-printer made it all metal direct drive


I cant even be fucking bothered to level my print bed after owning this prusa :joy:

Great info guys… In Serbia there are only assembled units for 850e… I’ll sell my ender 3 for 150-200e so I think 650e is worth all the benefits of prusa


MK3S, started printing about 4 months ago…never stoped since then…All my family loves it…Great investment for all of us…


On my way

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You are coming to Serbia or am I missing something :joy:

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If you’ve got assembled i3 mk3s’s for €850, then fuck yeah I am :joy:


@BenjaminF that’s actually slightly over price


Damn that’s actually not as cheap as I thought. Nevermind, im returning to my previous plan of never visiting Serbia.


I have the sidewinder printer. Prints ok out of the box. To get great prints, you need to update the firmware so that you can activate linear advance.

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Hi, I’m looking for a VX1 remote case, because by experience I found out it is quite easy to brake a relatively expensive piece of equipment…

I couldn’t find anything on thingiverse, only found these ones or sale here:

Do you know if they are any good?

No clue personally but they’re made of tpu… That’s an interesting choice for a remote shell as it’s flexible. I imagine landing on it would offer very little protection to the insides.

@xsynatic was working on a remodel I believe

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I was considering redoing my vx1 Receiver case :slight_smile:


Already a consumer :slight_smile: