3D files / CAD request thread

Anyone has a nice “X thing” file somewhere? @Fosterqc?

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Is it possible for the forum moderator to establish a free Drop Box account for forum users to access? This is a great thread, but accessing files and such from this thread will continue to increase in challenge. DB free provides 2 GB of storage - that will store a lot of CAD files… hopefully a little descriptive folder name will allow users to browse and download what they want…

Then this thread becomes a simple “drop box folder access” link. Folks can say they uploaded a folder. When they update the file, everyone who has the folder link gets the update automatically.

Just a thought. This is a great thread, but it’s getting complicated to follow.


Grabcad is better IMO because you can upload/make changes directly from your CAD program.

Grabcad and github both have 3d viewers in the browser also.


why has nobody made or asked for a TB motor CAD file…

grabcad only has a 10mm shaft 6355

63100 motor.STEP (99.3 KB)
63100 from pics

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That is a fantastic idea!

Ask Damon and he might :brain: about it :grin:

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Are there printable phatladz hubs available?

Does anyone have a 72t pulley file for mbs rockstar II hubs? Also if I need to design one myself, what do you guys use to get tooth profiles?

if so someone should make me a spacer

I’m also willing to sacrifice one of mine to get this done.

Did you look around on Thingiverse?

Math lol

Has anyone CADded the truck cutout shape on the mov-e?


Shouldn’t be hard to do, take a nice picture from the top with a ruler on it to make the scale
And import the picture on fusion, and sketch the outline :wink:

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You are overestimating my abilities.

My computer can’t run fusion, it’s a relic. I am limited to tinkercad :rofl:


But fusion is cloud based, and it still doesn’t run ?

Fusion is only partly cloud based, if you submit a render request etc. You still need a decent machine and graphics card for it to run on your desktop


Even with the browser version ?

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Can you take a pic without your truck attached and with a ruler alongside so I can get scale and try to get the image as flat as possible


Oooh only use the desktop full version, what’s this cloud version, tinker cad +? Must still need a subscription


Yeah but now there is also a hobbyist free version like the student one, so you just need to pinkie promess that you won’t do commercial work


That is possible, lemme see what i can do

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Just curious, but what do you want the model for?