200A discharge 3.7V 8AH flat pouch lithium ion cells


Nice video.
You have such a soothing voice. Youā€™d make a great wildlife documentary narrator! ^^

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Are you using a VESC 75/300?

heheheehā€¦ this is not me

I wish I was a smooth talking aussie


they fit good!
Thatā€™s with 0 gasket so I should be able to have some foam layers as well.

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I figured out I wasnā€™t looking very close before when I said they fit in the hummie cutout. Looks like they do, but the tabs need to be bent at 90deg on all of them. This could be done but It will require some careful planning. Still thinking about if I could shove a BMS in there too along the side, If I found a long skinny one it would be a dream.

I realize this is only really a problem for the bottom layer of cells, so some slight modification of the deck cutout could make it fit quite easily. Something like cutting a slit on one side and have the cell terminal recessed into the end of the cutout.


is that the single stack enclosure or the double stack enclosure?

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This is what I mean. The bottom layer cell tabs need to take up basically no forward to backwards space with the exception of the one on the end.

If you had a extra cutout for the end terminals you could avoid bending the middle/end cellā€™s tabs

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basically just need one of these slot cutter router bits, oh and a router unless you are really good with a drill. /s mayyyybe could be done with a dremel but :face_vomiting:

It would still be incredibly tight with the middle tabs.

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Could you solve it by modifying the enclosure instead?

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It has to do with the cells that sit in the cutout of the deck. The cells the the next 3 layers shouldnā€™t have an issue because the enclosure extends beyond the cutout.

Iā€™ve been going back and forth on whether I would connect the stacks of 4 cells together or the rows of 3.
With the bending of the tabs in the first layer I think I might be easier to make the stacks of 4 connected but idk yet. lmk what you think.

I hope you know the limitations of these cells when used in 1P, they make for a very saggy and short ride.

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Lmao how far did you push them? (didnā€™t see if you make a paxk with them)

I might have squeezed close to 3-3.5 miles out of them giving little to no mercy. Iā€™ll install a GPS tracker and get a better reading on that.

Iā€™m mostly curious if itā€™s even possible it put them in a integrated deck, not that they are a good choice in batteries at all. They certainly arenā€™t going to be permanently installed if I do get them in there.


Pulling over 100a (12s1p) at full charge (50.4v) would cause my voltage cutoff to kick in (43-45v) and pulling anywhere near 150a causes them to sag at least 10v. I think I got 2 or 3 miles in before they were going to be permanently damaged from under voltage. Super strange and niche cells.


Huh Iā€™m set to 130A 4x 30A but this is my only running board so sag isnā€™t something I have a good understanding of.

Low voltage doesnā€™t kick in till Iā€™ve gotten most of the ride out of it. A way to track all the voltages while riding would be mighty handy.


I think theyā€™re good cells if you treat them like 8Ah 100a peak cells, but they should not have 200a of current continuously drawn from them unless I got some really bad cells. Even matched my 12 lowest internal resistance cells to try and get good results but gave up shortly after.

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You must have a deep cutout then!
I would expect it to be easier to connect the layers, but that depends on the connection method.

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Yeah, that sounds reasonable.
But you only got 2-3 miles out of 8Ah? thatā€™s more than 100Wh/mile!
What were you powering?

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First build done 200A SPIM08HP cells running at 120A 4x 30A/FOCBOX (the good one) AWD Maytech 6374 Haggy DT ABEC wheelz

Quad 6374 maytech. Itā€™s a wild ride with a good top speed I havenā€™t hit.