Zenit Marble 38 V2 deck - Group Buy (#3 => no shipping costs)

You guys are not in different sides of the Atlantic?


I could drive to Tim in like eight hours. I’m DC he’s Nashville (ish)


Oh I see, there is also a Birmingham in the states.


Good ole Alabama

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With regards to the US distribution, we need a guy which would received the decks (shipped from Canada) and the enclosures (shipped from the UK) and then redistribute them to the US addresses.

Any volunteers? :slight_smile:


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I’ll do it if you need


@Sender this is the build I’d be doing the spiral bevel custom with. If you be the us hub mine should just stay with you and it means I’d definitely have to go in on this group buy.


Yeah, that’s just perfect.
I’ll be doing it in the EU.


Is there a possibility to ship decks from Canada to Europe but not European Union?

This is my case and that way I wouldn’t pay for double import taxes one for e union and one to Serbia?

That’s life when you live in 3rd world country :joy:


Getting to know the feeling…


Well, I’ve been saying EU but that’s technically not correct, cause it’s actually Europe without the UK.

It’s a bit complex this GB because we will have deck + enclosure and we have people in two continents, one of them being Europe which is a big mess. On top of it, the enclosure will be shipping from UK (@BigBen ) and the deck from Canada (Zenit).

So it seems we will have three hubs (thanks for the term @Ace): UK, Germany and Birmingham (US).
The most favorable for you will be the Germany hub and it’s just a matter to calculate shipping costs from Germany to Serbia, which I think will be around 30€ (for the deck).

Uff :sweat_smile:


It’s nou just shipping from Germany. It’s also import taxes from Germany unfortunately…

But Nevermind let’s get this going, I like this deck a lot. And having @BigBen doing enclosures it can’t be bad.


Yes, you’re right, double customs hell: Canada to Germany and Germany to Serbia.

Yeah guys, just LMK what you want to do

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Ok, so let’s do this thing.

Here are the forms for the deck and enclosure:

Depending on the number of people, we still have to figure out whether is cheaper to ship the enclosure to a US or EU hub first, and then redistribute, or ship them directly to the individual addresses.



I may be stupid. But what does “Biben” field in deck form mean?

That’s weird, I have this in my form editing view:

Ok, I just refreshed it and it had those weird fields, cannot explain why.
It should be fine now.

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It’s fine now.

Just one more thing. I would like 2 decks but only one of them with extra ply…

Sorry for being complicated :joy:

Or should I just fill up 2 forms with 1 deck each?