Wts/wtb/wtt looking for complete build selling all parts

@Halbj613 I’ve got my enclosure strapped to my board with heavy duty velco cinch straps, works ok for the time! They cost like $10 for a set of 4 on amazon, 36" long and 1-2" wide. I get ones with metal loops tho cuz the plastic ones break.


SOLDERING IRON, 100W SR8W270 By ANTEX https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B011875NFU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_FldmDbHTC3EQH
This is the one i use. Cheap and good.
And read this
How To Solder - The Thread

How long and wide is your Deck and what is the maximum length of the enclosure that you can fit? I just retired a Glasfiber enclosure and would send it to you for shipping only. It fitted a double stack 10S5P with two VESC 6 and more room to spare. The deck the enclosure was on had a slight w concave and I am pretty sure with some weather strip or foam it can go on any deck which isn’t too fancy shaped.

It’s the enclosure on the board in the back.


So I just bought an earthwing deck with enclosures which should be with me hopefully next week

I will say how Things go

I got all the parts working on the floor just need to put them onto a deck now

However the deck needs to be pretty waterproof


Get it working first


It isn’t working fine now on the floor

Just don’t have a deck to Put it on

proof . read .

js you would look a lot more knowledgable if you just did that

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What’s do you mean

The irony is overwhelming


I was going to quote himself and just reply with that lol

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What are the dimensions on that enclosure? I might be interested, PM me with deets plz!

@Halbj613 Still willing to literally walk you through the last 5% of your build if you DM me on the discord. I’m no master builder, but I’ve built and maintained my own board and can certainly help finish of yours.

I’ve also had a 100% success rate at buying the right size belts :wink:




This just happened while out testing

Where can I get a replacement preferably 36t

I have a single aluminum Flywheel pulley, but I’m not in the UK until mid september so shipping won’t be cheap if you need it now :confused:

@BillGordon could you close