WTS [US] III EMPRESS: Jump Board for Sale | Apex Airs/Chain Drive/Haero | 12S2P | 6384 140kv | 8" Rockstars

Location: US Austin, TX
Price: $1200 OBO + Ship
Local pickup will get a $150 discount, I will also prioritize local pickup over shipping.

While it pains me to let this build go, I think it is time. It has been collecting dust for far too long due, I’m unemployed, and I also need to move. So here we are. I am not looking to part this build out.

Build was ridden much less than I would have liked, probably has less than 100 miles total on it. Build thread here. Great build as-is for the stunt park and also has a swappable battery system so that an external battery could be easily attached for more range.

Decal on the bottom is vinyl so if you want the clean apex deck it can just be taken off.

Parts are as follows:
Apex Chain Drive
Apex Airs
Apex 140Kv Motors
Apex Bro deck (Stiff)
12S2P Battery by Z Battery Systems
MBS Tires/rockstars/bindings
Hoyt Nylon Puck
Sabre Dynamics Anti-Sink with GoPro Mount
1.5A 12S Charger with XT30 to swap connector
Extra Chains


Any questions please let me know!


How much range do you get on that 12s2p?

I think the longest I rode it was about 12 miles but I think I might have been able to squeeze about 16? out of it (Note: 125lb rider going ~15-20 mph).


Oh sweet, I’m also using a 12s2p in a mountain board similar to yours, I haven’t fully test range yet bc I just built it but that’s great to hear. I’m even lighter than that :laughing:

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Bump! $100 Price drop

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Do you mean 1000…?