WTS UK Cheap parts (or swap) (motors, hubs, trucks)

Hello everyone,
Get some stuff for few pennies, everything is as seen all prices are +shipping. I’m based in London if anyone wants to collect.

Chinese type aluminium mtb hubs with integrated pulley, some missing bolts, rear bearings and spacers £10

Mbs twistar including a set of 2 3d printed 72t pulleys (only one in picture) and aluminium rings to help bolt the pulleys to the hub £20

Mbs vector trucks slightly bent, still usable 5£

Mbs matrix first gen plastic baseplate, I should still have some bearings, £3 each, £5 for all 3

Various matrix springs and spring holders £Free

5m400 15mm belt, barely used £3 each

6373 sensorless bldc, chinese type motor, can’t tell much about the history, but they work well, and the bearings have no play/noise £35 for both

12/36v LED floodlight, tested, works up to 48v. The one I’m selling is brand new, I purchased a pack of 2 off Amazon only need one. £4

Round stop lights, brand new, don’t like them. They have a stop signal wire too. £5

Stop light, also with stop signal, also don’t like it, £5

10s4p battery with steel enclosure, again, can’t tell much about the history, but can still do 13/15 miles on my Mountainboard. £35

Bundle price 40£, less than half price.


Forgot to mention, I am more than happy to part ex, currently looking for Trampa channel trucks, trampa mounts, longboard deck, I mean, say what you got we can work something out

@xsynatic these fit ur trucks?


They might but I don’t need springs, i need the inner damper

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oh i forgor, nvm then

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Bump bump,

Prices lowered, ideal stuff for a first build/experiments :grinning:

do you ship to usa

I do not mind as long as you pay for the shipping and custom!


Prices lowered,


I got Trampa mototr mount s. I have Trampa gear drives Trampa hubs lmk what I would need and I’ll give price

I’m in us so shopping might suk

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Shipping to us is too expensive for these cheap stuff.

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@xsynatic could you please mark it as all sold?


I meant close it :joy:

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