wts (uk) 4wd carvon hummie complete build

Pics or didn’t happen


which bit :laughing:

pics coming later today

This bit


dont have inside pics sadly (forgot to take)

come on guys
£1500 for this beast
hit 39mph today and its got plenty more in it
dont worry though we got 40km+ range to cover you


Showed this to a friend but the inside wiring leaves a lot to be desired. Going to have to be parted out I’m afraid, unless you or someone else redoes it to be neat and trustworthy.


thought i mentioned above
wiring inside was all redone
done prob 500km since and all perfect
all connections were redone properly and made neat

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28 days later and still no new pics of the inside tho? Just your word that it’s “redone”. Kinda sus


will open it up tomorrow
been away or without much spare time recently
will try to open it up and take pics tomorrow

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I’ll ping you tomorrow. Name me a time.

gimme 2pm


I’ll take it as your 2pm, not mine?

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either should be fine

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Electrical tape is just on top of heat shrink
Heat shrink on all connections

The mess of wires on 1 side is fine and all are made sure to be properly protected
Looks messy but very safe

Sorry for the bad quality photos

What am i seeing here?

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Kapton on top of heat shrink
You can see the blue thing (heat shrink) going into it

Half of the piece which goes over the heat shrink died so I put a bit of kapton on top just to cover any tiny gaps the heat shrink might not have

Tbh that’s not much of an improvement…


Can you explain the issues

Ah so its just half of the endcap. The missing part got covered in kapton?