With all the Enertion hate going around...what VESC do you use?

Yeap running on 10s3p 30q battery

Pushing 22A per side and 45A on motors :+1:

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Do you have a Metr? How is your sag?

I’m currently using:

2x 4.12 Super Maytech VESCs

And I havnt ridden, but have

2x Focboxes

And I also technically bought, but have never seen ( :frowning: )

2x 6.6 Maytech 200a ESCs

Not sure if you’re asking me but I’ll answer anyways :smiley:

I don’t have the Metr BT module but I do use the Flipsky BT module with the official VESC Tool app :+1:

To be honest I don’t notice much any sag at on my board on the 30Q cells even at 20% battery, but to be fair I don’t punch the throttle anyways, riding only around 20 kph most of the time :slight_smile:

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